Day in the Life

Mar 24, 1896

Journal Entry

March 24, 1896 ~ Tuesday

24 I was quite unwell I spent half a Day at the office
Bishop Jacob Weiler Died this Morning Aged 89
I went home Early done some Gardning sowed peas set out strawburies


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Letter from Walter S. Tolton, 24 March 1896
Pres Wilford Woodruff Salt Lake City Dear Bro, I was notified during January last, that my field of labor would be in the Southern States, and that I would be expected to leave Salt Lake City in April. Am now ready to take a mission to the Southern States, and will be in the Salt Lake City about April 2nd. Is there anything to prevent my going directly after conferance? If so, please notify me by return mail, and oblige Your Brother Walter S. Tolton.
Letter from Orson Smith, Simpson Montgomery Molen, and Isaac Smith, 24 March 1896
Logan To the first Presidency Dear Brethern In accordance with your request that we should hear the grievance of Bro J Neilson Hanson against Prest W W Cluff, we met with these Brethern on the 12inst, and after hearing all the evidence that could be got in the matter, we submit to you our report, as follows, to wit: In June 1871 Bro Hanson and and Prest Cluff it appears were in Copenhagen and about to leave for Utah. Bro Cluff to reurn from a mission and Bro Hanson to emigrate. Bro Hanson had a note of one thousand six dollars from his fatherinlaw due in one year from that date. This note he gave to Prest Cluff with this understand- ing, that it should be used when due to emigrate saints to Zion, who should give their notes in favor of Bro Hanson for the amount of the note, and that these notes should be turned over to him that he might collect them when the individuals arrived. Prest Cluff acknowleges the receipt of the note and that it was turned over with


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Wilford and Quorum of the Twelve Apostles issue Political Manifesto about separation of church and state.

Mar 24, 1896