Day in the Life

Apr 17, 1896

Journal Entry

April 17, 1896 ~ Friday

17. [FIGURE 1] I wrote 2 Letters one to Owen & one to Asahel Naegle
I sent a cablegram to President Lund Not to release Owen untill
his company is Released & can come home with him Owen wants it


Browse people Wilford Woodruff mentioned on this day in his journal.

Woodruff, Abraham Owen
23 Nov 1872 - 20 Jul 1904
558 mentions
Apostle, Family, Missionary
Lund, Anthon Henrik
15 May 1844 - 2 Mar 1921
116 mentions
16 mentions

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Letter to Anthon Lund, 17 April 1896
S. L. C. Dear president Lund I received two Letters yesterday from Owen one was from presit Naegle to Owen I saw that Owen felt very bad I had written a letter to president Neagle in it it seams I said sumthing that He drew from it that I wanted Owen immediately released Now I did not intend any thing of the kind to interfere in the Least with your Authority in Releasing Missionaries I said to Brother Naegle I think that when they were released I would like them all released together that they might come home together I cablegramed to you this Morning to that Effect which I Expt you got Owen felt very bad about it when He got word that He could go home alone by himself without any others it would blight his whole Life I have written them both to day but fearing that sumthing might happen in the Matter before the Letters arrived I Cabledgram you which I hope you got before any thing was done to create Trouble We have been now some 2 weeks trying to Appoint some Man to take your place which I hope will soon be done for you have spent a Long Mission and it is time youd was relieved when I wrote to Brother Naegle the office was full of Men and in a Meeting as I now have to write most of my Letters that way And I do not have time to Counsel them but


View selected events in the two months surrounding this date in Wilford Woodruff's life.

Wilford and Quorum of the Twelve Apostles issue Political Manifesto about separation of church and state.

Apr 17, 1896