Day in the Life

Apr 18, 1896

Journal Entry

April 18, 1896 ~ Saturday

18 I went to the City & got some things. Emma is in poor health


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Woodruff, Emma Smith
1 Mar 1838 - 6 Mar 1912
1038 mentions


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Letter from Orson Smith, Simpson Montgomery Molen, and Isaac Smith, 18 April 1896
First Presidency Dear Brethern, For a number of years there has been a discord in the Bishopric of the Millville Ward of this Stake and which has seemed to be irreparable. This has been very detrimental to the growth and developement of the Ward. The Presidency of the Stake thought that to rectify the existing conditions it would be best to release the Counselors accordingly this was done March 8th [18]96, and their conference adjourned to Apr 19th. The question then arose as to whether a complete and new organization of the Bishopric, would not result in the most good, and after a careful consideration of the whole situation we felt it would be best. We therefore submitted the matter to the High Council Apl 10, [18]96, who unanimously supported the reccomendation for an entire change. Two of the Presidency
Letter from Gustavus Sinclair Holmes, 18 April 1896
President Woodruff, Hon. Geo. Q. Cannon, Hon. Joseph A. Smith, City. Gentlemen:— On the 28th, 29th or 30th inst. there will be an excursion party of some three hundred prominent hotel men, bankers, and merchants with their wives from the eastern states who will stop in Salt Lake City for one day en route homeward from California. The Chamber of Commerce and the Associated Hotel Men of our city desire that they shall be nicely entertained during their stay here. In view of this, a programme has been arranged for a drive through- out the city, a special train the Saltair Beach and, if possible, a tabernacle concert. For the last named we now address you regard- ing it. They arrive here in the morning and will take the drive from half past ten until half past eleven and would like to go to the tabernacle at between that hour and twelve o'clock and listen to a half hour's music by the preofessor. Would it be consistent and please you to grant this request I am sure there will be no feature of the programme that will be more interesting than this, and if you will concent it will be greatly appreciated both by the visitors and by ourselves. We desire to have about twenty-five business men accom- pany the party on the drive, to the concert and to the lake and we would very much like your assistance. A number of prominent men have expressed a willingness to aid us and become a part of the reception
Letter from Mark Young Croxall Cannon, 18 April 1896
Salt Lake City . President Wilford Woodruff Dear Brother, Your notice calling me as a mission- ary to the Southern States has been received by me. I accept the appointment you have conferred upon me and will try and be ready to start on May 16th 1896 the date named in notice. I am always willing to serve the Lord and his peo- ple and trust that I may perform a good and honnorable mission and that I, with others


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Wilford and Quorum of the Twelve Apostles issue Political Manifesto about separation of church and state.

Apr 18, 1896