Day in the Life

May 11, 1896

Journal Entry

May 11, 1896 ~ Monday

11. I was at home the office & Attended a Meeting of the Miners
and A Matter of Arangement Entered into to settle the Affair


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Letter from Joseph W. Francom, 11 May 1896

Levan Presidant Wilford Woodruff Dear Brother Your unexpected letter of 5th inst same to hand and can say in reply I do not think I can get ready to go till Oct, for several reasons. 1st that my wife is going to be confined in July or Aug and I have been preparing to build for mother as the house She is living in is very poor, will have to sell some stock and horses ^to^ get the money to suply me But with the help of the Lord will make every effort possible to get ready at an earlier date. Hoping that you will let me know as to Your mind and will on the matter I am Your Bro in the Gospal J. W. Francom Levan

Letter from Benjamin Cluff Jr. to the First Presidency, 11 May 1896

Provo City, Utah. . Presidents Wilford Woodruff and Jos. F. Smith, Supt'cy. Y.M.I.A. S. L. City, Utah. Dear Bretheren: As our school year is about to a close, permit me to call your attention to the arrangement for the support of the M. I. Normal Class in the Academy, entered into by us last year. It was agreed that for this course $1,000.00 should be paid, $750.00 in tithing by the church, and $250.00 by the M. I. Association in cash. If it is convenient for you to issue or- ders to cover these amounts, the Academy will be very thankful, as it desires to square its accounts with its teachers and others by the close of the year. I remain Very respectfully, your brother in the Gospel, B. Cluff, Jr

Letter from James T. White, 11 May 1896

Prs. Wilford Woodruff Dear Brother I take this oppertunity to write you for informa- tion I have been wanting to ask you for this knowledge for some time but I knew your was troubled with many uncalled for and needless questions. But its seemes that I cant decide for myself. Now I desire to locate in a warmer climate as its seems I cant never get reconciled to this cold one and for the last 2 or 3 yrs I have been anxious to make a change and I am now thinking of going to Old Mexico and again I realize it is hard times to be moving around. I came here from the South: Now to be plain if I knew the Lord wanted me to stay in Colo I think it would settle me at once but if no objections I cant see why I cant do right in a warmer country as well as here. Now will you please write me and tell me what to do as you see my desires and that is to obey your counsel and I will re- ceive it as from the Lord Your Bro in the truth James T White Sanford AColo

Business/Financial - Account Book, 1889-1898

Swend John Peterson & Anna G Peterson Paid for Divorse 10 Frederick Beutler & Anni^E^e ^B^ Beutler Paid For Divores 10 John Kidman & Mariah A. Kidman Paid for Divorce 10


View selected events in the two months surrounding this date in Wilford Woodruff's life. Click on the dates to jump to that day in Wilford Woodruff's journal.

Wilford and Quorum of the Twelve Apostles issue Political Manifesto about separation of church and state.

May 11, 1896