Day in the Life

May 10, 1896

Journal Entry

May 10, 1896 ~ Sunday

10. Sunday There was a conference at the Tabernacle of the sabbath
children I spent the day at home sick


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Letter from S. Layton, 10 May 1896
Cardston Presidents Woodruff Cannon & Smith Salt Lake City Dear Brethren I would like to ask your Advice on one very important point but before I do so I will explain my reasons for doing so. I had made up my mind to leave this Country and go to Arizona down ware uncle is at thatcher but as I was corasponding with Brother Andrew Andrews of Sublit Idaho he told me that he was going to move to washington Co Idaho and he sent me two mens names to rite to if I wished to when I rote to him again I ask him if there was eny of Our people there but he did not say in his letter weather there was or not but that there has three gon with him they moved there in April. I did not pay eny atention to his letters about going until one day I was out Chopping wood and something said to me all at once you had better rite to those men that Alvin Andrews sent the Adress and also to the Presidency of the Church. I rote to them and ask them a number of questions and as one of them did not answer my letter for some time I rote to the other again and I have got 2 letters from


View selected events in the two months surrounding this date in Wilford Woodruff's life.

Wilford and Quorum of the Twelve Apostles issue Political Manifesto about separation of church and state.

May 10, 1896