Day in the Life

Jun 25, 1896

Journal Entry

June 25, 1896 ~ Thursday

25 Keys crossed Owen Baptized My Grand Daughter Vedi Clare
8 years old I confirmed her. On my arival
at the Office I listened to the reading of the Account of
the Arival of Frank J Cannon at Ogden I met
Andrew Kimball the president of the Cherokee Mission


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Kimball, Andrew
6 Sep 1858 - 31 Aug 1924
Cannon, Franklin Jenne
25 Jan 1859 - 25 Jul 1933
Beebe, Vedi Clare Byer
5 May 1888 - 28 Feb 1964
26 mentions


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Letter from James Henry Stevenson, 25 June 1896
West Jordan President Wilford Woodruff Dear Brother being called upon to go on a mission to the Eastern States to start July 2nd 1896 I heartily respond to the call, feeling thankfull that I am considered worthy of such a calling I will be on hand on the day appointed I am your Brother in the cause of truth Jas H Stevenson John A Egbert Bishop
Business/Financial - Account Book, 1889-1898
To Owen $3 Lumber $3 6 {shorthand} $6 Forest & Stream $4 Shoe Bill $5.25 15 25 To Owen $1 Hay gran 25 Plomme $4.20 15 25 For wooden Harness Ranch T. $3 C $5 8 Shore on Waggon 26 C R Savage Bill 5 Paid to D P Woodruff 10


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Jun 25, 1896