Day in the Life

Aug 13, 1896

Journal Entry

August 13, 1896 ~ Thursday

13 I rode to the office got something for home I got $500
for my Journey ^[FIGURES]^ I wrote A Badlam a Letter in
1849 from Cambridgeport to San francisco That 3 pages
of manuscript made 9 Pages in Type writing F M Lyman
found that Letter among his Fathers papers it contained
News from almost all over the World Cholary through
the U.S. & Terrible fires through the World I am
Now Preparing to leave for Portland & San Francisco.

myself and wife Emma President George Q Cannon
and wife Caroline and my son Asahel H Woodruff
left the city on the Union Pacific Railroad at 7 o'clock
p.m. for Portland. On the cars we found there had
been some mistake made about our transportation
Asahel was supposed to have got the tickets, but
we found that nothing had been said to him about
them, and Prest Cannon had no ticket for Asahel.


Browse people Wilford Woodruff mentioned on this day in his journal. Click on the person's name to view a short bio and other pages they are mentioned on or click on "View in Family Search" to view their FamilySearch profile.

Badlam, Alexander, b. 1808
28 Nov 1808 - 1 Dec 1894
103 mentions
Zion's Camp
Woodruff, Asahel Hart, b. 1863
3 Feb 1863 - 2 Jul 1939
708 mentions
Woodruff, Emma Smith
1 Mar 1838 - 6 Mar 1912
1038 mentions
Lyman, Francis Marion
12 Jan 1840 - 16 Nov 1916
278 mentions
Cannon, George Quayle
11 Jan 1827 - 12 Apr 1901
2285 mentions

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Letter from Egbert C. Stratford, 13 August 1896

Pocatello, Idaho, President Wilford Woodruff. Salt Lake. Dear Brother: It is with the greatest of pleasure that I accept the call made of me to take a mission to Great Britian, and will be ready, Sept. 19th, the date named in your letter. Hoping that I may perform an honorable mission I remain, Your brother in the Gospel, Egbert C. Stratford. C. J. Cannon Bp. Good. J. F. S.

Letter from Johann Weber, 13 August 1896

Leipxig, . Reudnitzerstrasse 1—7. The first presidency of the church of the latter day saints Hon. George Cannon, Salt Lake City, Utah. Dear Sirs, With this I have the pleasure to send you ten copies of the Illustrirte Zeitung in whose contents you will find the temple of Moroni and the portrait of Mr. Wilford Woodruf. I am very glad to have occasion to show you the very good impression of your city and to give our rea- ders a picture of the mormon people without the usual notes of those who travelled without seeing. I hope you will take the copies and many thanks for the kind recep- tion you gave me in august [18]95. With the best regards to Mr. Woodruf and Mr. Smith yours very truly Johann Weber

Letter from Karl Gottfried Maeser, 13 August 1896

Salt Lake City, Utah, . President Wilford Woodruff, Dear Brother: Bro. Willard Done, President of the Latter-day Saints' College, Salt Lake City, suggests that Captain Willard Young should be appointed President of the College, himself acting as Vice-president only, inasmuch as Capt. Willard Young's reputation would give prestige to the institution. Admiring the unselfish devotion of Bro. Done to this institution, I fully endorse his idea, and would respectfully suggest that the First Presidency take this point under consideration. I have been incidentally informed that Prof. B. Cluff Jr., President of the Brigham Young Academy, Provo, has engaged a Gentile professor of mathematics to teach in that Academy. Remembering the strict injunctions I have received from the First Presidency in regard to submitting to President Woodruff for his signature the name of anyone of whose good standing in the Church I had not satisfactory evidence, and knowing the growing want of confidence among the peope towards the Brigham Young Academy, in spite of the large attendance, I must emphatically protest against such a step being taken, unless you should instruct me to the contrary. With kind regards, Your Brother, Karl G. Maeser Gen. Supt. L. D. S. Schools.

Daybook (13 August 1896 - 14 September 1896)

Aug 13 [18]96 we took cars at 7 oclock for Portland Mistake abt about tickets Asahel was supposed to have got the tickets but there was Nothing said to him about it but when we got aboard we Met with Mr E Burly whoo is the superintndet of the Road He gave us passes & both tickets so we got along we travelld all night Direc tly we travelld all Day in terrible Dus[t] & all night ^[Distance]^ in the Midst of Terrible Dust we arived at Portland in the Morning I find I takfeel better


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Aug 13, 1896