Day in the Life

Jun 28, 1896

Journal Entry

June 28, 1896 ~ Sunday

June 28 1896
I spent the day at home resting & Reading

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Letter from William Martinsen, 28 June 1896
Grant Idaho The First Presidency of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latterday Saints Dear Brothers In Reply to your inquire if it wood Be agreeable to my feelings to go On a foreing mission I can say that I am willing and feel well in Regards to the calling But my circumstances wil not allow me at the Present time to do so I havent Proved Up- On my Home as yet nor cant fore three years yet and I have Five
Letter from Josiah Call, 28 June 1896
Rigby . First Presidency of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter day Saints Dear Brother's Yours of the 17 inst at hand will say it would be agreeable to my feelings but as to my circumstances I am sorry to say that they are of such a nature that at presant acording to my judgement it would be inconsistant to leave. I will just state my circumstances to you and then if you want me to fill a mission I will do my best to arrange matters so I can leave


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Jun 28, 1896