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Day in the Life

Jul 5, 1896

Journal Entry

July 05, 1896 ~ Sunday

5 Sunday I spent the day at home Resting

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Letter to Charles Coulson Rich and William Budge, 5 July 1876
Randolph Presidents Rich & Budge Dear Brethren I feel that an Explanation of my visit to bear lake is due you, when I left S. L. City circumstances limited me to time and my visit had to be short we were 4 days on the way we arrivd at Randolph Friday night and I intended to be in paris Sunday morning, it took the boys till 1 oclok on Saturday to get up the teams we then drove to Laketown I there heard that you was to be in Meadowvill & Lake town on Sunday I bought 25 bushels of wheat of Bro Weston took it in my waggon & drove to Br. Cooks thought I might get ground in the night & come back in the morning so as to spend a part of the day with you but on our way there we drove into that mud hole south of Swan Creek which took us an hour to get out having to unload when we arived at the Mill it was dark & he could not grind it untill Morning so it was Near 10 oclok when we started back and after travelling about a mile our tyre tire run off from one wheel and broke the fellies [felloes] we had to carry the wheat back by hand & it took till 3 oclok before we started again and so on our
Letter from Charles Hyrum Dayton, 5 July 1896
To The First Presidency of the Church of Jesus Christ of Later day Saints - Salt Lake City. Dear Breatheren= In reply to your letter of the 17th inst will say I am 41 years of age and speak only one language (English) I am not an educated man neither am I very well verset in the scriptures My financial conditions are sutch that I could not get away from home verrey well untill about Jan 1st 1897 Now Bretheren you have my situation and if you think best for me to go I am willing to do as you think best.
Letter from Andrew Kimball, 5 July 1896
Salt Lake City, Utah, To the First Presidency Office City. Dear Brethren: Elder E. L. Saunders has been regularly and honorably released from laboring as a missionary in the Indian Territory Mission, and you will confeer a favor by honoring his request for sufficient means to pay his transportation home, Very Respctfully Andrew Kimball.


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Jul 5, 1896