Day in the Life

Jul 21, 1896

Journal Entry

July 21, 1896 ~ Tuesday

July 21, 1896
I spent the day in the office A vary busy day Hugh Cannon Arived from the Nevada Mines I met with a good Many
During the day I was sick through the night


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Letter from William Henry Stott Jr., 21 July 1896
To the First Presidency of the Church Dear Brothers Your Communication of the 8th as ^in^ regard to when will be the most Convient date for me to start all being well I will name the 12th. Your Brother Wm H. Stott Jr Stott Jr.
Letter from Tomás Estrada Palma, 21 July 1896
NEW YORK, . Wilford Woodruff, Prest., Zion's Sav. Bk & Tr. Co/, Salt Lake City, Utah. Dear Sir: The recent successes of the Cuban patriots in their fight for liberty on the island of Cuba, together with the fact that they have been able to land on the island arms, ammunition &c. for the forces of the Cuban Republic assure us that the triumph of Cuban arms is certain & that entire independence from Spanish rule is but a matter of a short time. If the war is speedily terminated thousands of lives will be spared and the horrors of war from which Cuban families are suffering will cease. We ask your aid in saving these lives and all the sufferings incident to a civil war. We believe that you are in sympathy with so just and patriotic a cause as ours and trust that you will accompany your reply with a contribution, proportionate to your sympathy, the receipt of which will be duly acknowledged and your


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Jul 21, 1896