Day in the Life

Jul 29, 1896

Journal Entry

July 29, 1896 ~ Wednesday

29 I spent the day in the office Brother Cannon is in
Ogden I had a Number call upon me


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Cannon, George Quayle
11 Jan 1827 - 12 Apr 1901
2284 mentions


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Letter from Joseph Francis Thomas, 29 July 1896
MANASSA, COLO., President Wilford Woodruff. Dear Brother: After due deliberation, I have considered that I cannot get ready to start on my mission to the Northern States at so early a date as Aug 15, 1896. I owe about $460.00 due at intervals from Sep. 3, 1896 to Feby. 25 1897, 1/2 of it due Sep 3, 1896. I have about enough due me from all sources to pay this if I can collect it. Part of it, I am sure of, as it is invested in County and School District warrants, which are not due yet but most of them will be in the next six months. I wish therefore to ask for time to collect and arrange for the payment of my debts. Part of the debts, $22500, are for money borrowed—the others for payments on land and machinery. I have 80 acres of farm land bought last year from State of Colorado, on which I have only made the first payment (ten per cent of price) and as I will have to depend on the products of this land for maintenance of my family (consisting of my wife and six children) I want to arrange for the payments to be such, so I will not lose the land. I have besides this, a little land—but ist is not suited to cultivation, I use it for pasture. Under the circumstances I feel permitted to ask for


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Jul 29, 1896