Day in the Life

Aug 6, 1896

Journal Entry

August 06, 1896 ~ Thursday

Aug 6, 1896

Asahel is quite poorly suffering with severe Head
Owen & I administered to him I spent the day in the office
Except while in the Temple 3 Hours


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Woodruff, Abraham Owen
23 Nov 1872 - 20 Jun 1904
642 mentions
Apostle, Family, Missionary
Woodruff, Asahel Hart, b. 1863
3 Feb 1863 - 2 Jul 1939
708 mentions


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Letter from Parley Parker Pratt Jr., 6 August 1896
Salt Lake City, Utah, Pres. W. Woodruff. Dear Brother, For some years past, and more especially of late, I have had a very great, and I might say unquenchable desire to enter the lecture field as a vocation, not with a view of ganing notoriety: but to do good to my fellow man and myself; There are many subjects with which I am more or less acquainted, that could be taken up and treated upon, that might be made intertaning and instructive. Viz - Utah & her People, Pion- eer Life, The Rising Generation, Physical Mental Moral & Spiritual Culture. Oritors and oritory. Patriots. Patriotism, Etc. I should be very glad to devote the remainder of my life, which is to be a "long one," more devotedly to uplifting my fellow men, according to the wisdom, and graces God may give me. Have no wish to engage in my labor in which I could not invoke His assistance. In assuming the role of a lecturer as a pursuit
Letter from Elias Smith Kimball, 6 August 1896
Prests. Woodruff, Cannon and Smith. Salt Lake City, Utah. Dear Brethren: I hand you herewith a copy of a set of resolutions sub- mitted to me by the Elders of the West Va. Conference while attending said conference on the 1st, 2nd. and 3rd. of August, requesting that I use every means in my power to have a paper published in the Southern States Mission similiar to the Millennial Star. Having already talked with you on this subject and having followed out your suggestions about learning cost of such a publication I herewith submit Messrs McGowan and Cooke's bid which furnishes said information: "A paper the size and style of the Mellinnial Star would cost about $500.00 for twenty six editions of 600 copies." There would be twenty six editions per annum. Each Elder in the Mission would have to be patriotic and generous enough to subscribe for a copy and then work among Saints and friends to take the balance of the edition. There are now about 360 Elders in the mission. I think every Elder in the mission will take hold of the project with the same spirit which actuates the Elders of the West Va. Conference. If you are favorable to the project and will kindly recommend me to start it, I shall agree to make it self sustaining from the start, beg- inning its publication some time in the early winter. A paper published in the interests of the mission would be a great assistance to the Elders, and would help the work on wonderfully, in that it would encourage the Elders to greater exertion. The paper, if started, could be called the Southern Star or any other name you might suggest. Wishing to follow out your advice in the matter, I kindly submit the^is^


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Aug 6, 1896