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Day in the Life

Sep 23, 1896

Journal Entry

September 23, 1896 ~ Wednesday

23 I Went to the office And Learning that Samuel Batemant
[FIGURES] was vary sick President Cannon & myself with
Br Wilken visited him & Administered to him He seemed Better 20 Miles


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Letter from James Lewis McCarrey, 23 September 1896

President Wilford Woodruff Dear Brother: In regards to the call that was made of me, July 2nd., asking me to take a mission to the Northern States, can say: that I will be ready to leave any time after Oct. 15. Please write and let me know the exact date you want me to leave. I remain, Your Brother Lewis McCarrey. Richmond Cache Co., Utah

Letter from Martin Schwab, 23 September 1896

Afton, Wyo Mr. Wilford Woodruff. Salt Lake City, Dea sir—Your favours of the 8th inst. came to hand, in replie would say—that I am ready to responde to the call made up on me, and will present myselfe at the apointed place and time. I would have replied earlier but had to settle some land-business. Yours very Resp. Martin Schwab. Wm Parsons Bishop

Letter from Thomas Henry Ingram, 23 September 1896

Mephi . Wilford Woodruff Dear Brother In the last letter I receivd from you, You told me to to send you word when I would be ready to go on a mission I will be redady to go aneytime after th 10 of november. Pleas let, me know when you want me to go. Yours Thos H. Ingram 3rd Dec.

Letter from David Candland, 23 September 1896

Prest Wilford Woodruff Dear Brother Without enterring into what to me is an unpleasant necessity, reasons, why I ask a favor at your hands as Trustee &c but I feel I must overleap all and ask a ton or two of hay as I desire to retain my horse the only comfort and convenience I have not dianed for myself having disposed of all species of property among my families and children. Your order on the Bp here will be honored and deeply and truly appreciated by Yours Truly in the Gospel David Candland Should I ever be able to pay for it I will gladly to do so.


View selected events in the two months surrounding this date in Wilford Woodruff's life.

Wilford changes fast day from the first Thursday to the first Sunday of each month.

Sep 23, 1896