Day in the Life

Sep 24, 1896

Journal Entry

September 24, 1896 ~ Thursday

Sept 24, 1896
Sister Butterworth funeral & burial is held to day
I spent the day in the Temple in council I met
with quite a Number of the Brethren & Sisters At Asahels
who had been to the funeral

Phebe Whitmore Carter Woodruff Born March 8, 1807
She Died in Salt Lake City Utah Nov 10, 1885
Aged 78 years 8 Months & 2 days


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Woodruff, Asahel Hart, b. 1863
3 Feb 1863 - 2 Jul 1939
708 mentions
Woodruff, Phebe Whittemore Carter
8 Mar 1807 - 10 Nov 1885
1586 mentions


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Letter from Robert Davidson Jr., 21 September 1896

Logan City . Prest. Woodruff, In reply to yours of Sept 8, 1896. In regard to me taking a mission to the Northern States. I can be ready aton May 1st, 1897. And will present myself at the Historian's Office. Your Brother in the Gosple, Robert Davidson Jr. Robert Davidson Bp

Letter from Samuel Paget, 24 September 1896

President Woodruff Dear Brother In answer to your note of June 12, 1896 in regard to going on a mission to the Sand- Wich Islands I will be ready on Nov 1st 1896 Would you please send me word what the fair will be from Salt Lake City to Honalulu hoping to here from you soon I reman your brother in the gospel Samuel Paget

Letter from Christian Francis Tollestrup, 24 September 1896

Spring City, Utah. Presidency Church of Jesus Christ of L D. S. Salt Lake City, Utah. Dear Brethren: Your Favor of the 19th inst. has just reached me. Am not able to make definate reply today. I am teaching school in this city at present. Will go home tomorrow and see if I can arrange my business so as to be able to leave. Will write you definately not latter than the 26 inst. Excuse me for not giving definate ans. now. It is impossible under my cir- cumstances. Your Bro etc. C. F. Tollestrup. Spring City, Utah.

Letter from Benjamin Cluff Jr. to the First Presidency, 24 September 1896

(DICTATED.) Provo City, Utah, . Presidents Wilford Woodruff, George Q. Cannon Joseph F. Smith, Box B, Salt Lake City, Utah. Dear Brethren: There are some matters pertaining to the Peoples' Canal and Irrifgation Company in Idaho, and the settlement of Bingham County by our people, which I would desire to lay before you at your earliest convenience after next Monday. The land contest is not yet settled, and the canal is in financial straits, and there are other considerations pertaining to the settlement of our people, which I think are of sufficient im- portance to receive the consideration of those in authority, and I would be pleased to lay the matters before you and receive your counsel and advice. I have already explained our condi- tion to Apostle John Henry Smith, and I would be pleased if he could be present at our meeting, if you have time to consider our affairs. Awaiting your early reply, I remain Very respectfully, your brother in the cause of truth, B. Cluff Jr


View selected events in the two months surrounding this date in Wilford Woodruff's life. Click on the dates to jump to that day in Wilford Woodruff's journal.

Wilford changes fast day from the first Thursday to the first Sunday of each month.

Sep 24, 1896