Day in the Life

Sep 29, 1896

Journal Entry

September 29, 1896 ~ Tuesday

29. ^ A hand pointing to the right^ I spent the day in the office wrote to John Jaques
& T. G Webber ^ A hand pointing to the right^ Received Letter from Webber


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Jaques, John
7 Jan 1827 - 1 Jun 1900


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Letter from Henry Smith Tanner, 29 September 1896
San Francisco, Cal. Pres. Wilford Woodruff Salt Lake City, Utah Dear Brother: I returned from Sacramento and Latrobe last Thursday. We held some very successful meetings and were well represented by the press. We have just added six more to the church. There is a gradual increase in all of our congregations, yet we have plenty of indifference to contend with. I received the tracts and Voice of Warning you sent by the Elders. I have been waiting anxiously for definite word about me staying in the mission. My wife is not enjoying very good health and being whooly dependent upon others, it is almost more than she can do to care for herself and three litttle ones. If you decide for me to remain here and it be consistent with your feelings I would like to have my family with me. But that would increase the expense and add unto your burden and it makes me feel that perhaps it would be better for you to send some one who is able to bear the expense. There are Elders who would carry the mission successfully if they could come and stay with me a little while until they become familiar with our methods and I believe it would be well to consider it before you de- cide to keep me. However the matter rests wholly with you. I am willing to do as you say and do my best to further the cause whether here or elsewhere. Perfect harmony exists among the Elders and we are enjoying our labors, but we have some unpleasant things occasionally among the members. The other power has been working to divide our flocks but so far all little troubles have proven a benefit to us. I have just released Elder B. W. Henderson on account of the financial depression. He is a member of the Henderson and Sons firm at Oneida, Idaho, and is an excellant young man with good judgment. He has been in the Mission 19 months. When I sent in my report on the 2nd inst. the mission indebted- ness was $114.18. I borrowed the money of Bro. Scowcroft to carry me along but another month is almost gone and rents are due. I hope you will be able to make an appropriation of $150.00 for the benefit of the mission. We will hold our northern conference here next Sunday, October 18th we will hold our Southern Conference in Los Angeles. I hope to leave for there about the 12th. Brother and Sister Scowcroft will accompany me south. I expect to be south two and one-half months. I will leave


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Wilford changes fast day from the first Thursday to the first Sunday of each month.

Sep 29, 1896