Day in the Life

Oct 2, 1896

Journal Entry

October 02, 1896 ~ Friday

2. I spent the day in the office Had an interview with J Q.


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Letter from William Rees Davis, 2 October 1896

President Woodruff Dear Brother In Responce to your letter of the 25th of September as to my mission to Great Britian. I will Endeavor to be ready to start from Salt Lake City Oct 24th 1896 Hopeing this will be satisfactory I Remain Your Brother in the Gyospel Wm. R. Davis John E Rees Bishop

Business/Financial - Account Book, 1889-1898

Tithig $4

Letter from William Edward Criddle, 2 October 1896

Bellwood, Nebr., Oct 2nd 1896 President Wilford Woodruff Salt Lake City Utah Dear Brother The letter inclosed will partly explain my object in writing to you. I have given Mr Schofield an introduction to the "First Presidency" I have reasons for believing that Mr Schofield's main object in, coming ^going^ to Utah, is to seek truth how soon he may come I do not know but I thought I would drop you a note He appears to be quite an entellegint man speaks a number of languages and teaches them and no doubt would be a useful man should he take hold of the truth I have conversed with him and he seems particularly interested in the Priesthood and asked me a grat many questions on the same and stated afterward by letter that the Latter day Saints were scriptural. Ever praying for the welfare of Zion I remain Your Brother W E Criddle President Nebr. Conference

Letter from William Edward Criddle, 2 October 1896

Bellwood, Nebr., Wilford Woodruff, Geo Q. Cannon Joseph F Smith First Presidency of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints Dear Brethren With pleasure I introduce to you Rev. Paul M. Schofield of Nebraska an earnest investigator after truth His main object, I believe, in coming to Utah is to investigate the Doctrine promulgated by the Latter Day Saints and to see its practical workings Mr Schofield speaks a number of languages and is a teacher of same (languages) After investigation he may wish to locate there I tell him with his education I do not think he will have any particular dificulty in obtaining a position you can better tell and give him any information he may desire. Your brother in the cause of Christ W. E. Criddle President Nebraska Conference

Circular to the Saints, 2 October 1896

DEAR BROTHER: The Pioneer Electric Power Company, whose works are at Ogden, Utah, has established a splendid system of canals to irrigate about 20,000 acres of land lying to the north-west of Ogden City, most of which tract is from eight to twelve miles only distant from the heart of Ogden, and all reached by good and convenient roads. The land is espec- ially adapted to orchards and to market gardens. A great part of it is as choice as any land in these valleys. By this enterprise there is afforded an opportunity for people in Utah to get homes without migrating to distant parts. We recommend to you that you call this subject to the attention of such of the people in your locality as may con- template locating upon farms and orchard lands. The prices of the land are low, and the supply of water, it is believed, will be unfailing. Full information can be had by correspondence with Elder Charles C. Brown, Land Agent of the Pioneer Electric Power Company, Ogden, Utah. Your Brethren, WILFORD WOODRUFF, GEO. Q. CANΝΟΝ, JOS. F. SMITH.


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Wilford changes fast day from the first Thursday to the first Sunday of each month.

Oct 2, 1896