Day in the Life

Oct 17, 1896

Journal Entry

October 17, 1896 ~ Saturday

Oct 17, 1896
Saturday I took cars & Returned to Salt Lake City
and spent the night at home 100 Mile


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W Woodruff spoke one hour {in the power of God} I took up the subject of the office of Administration of Angels & the office of the Holy Ghost I testified that the Lord did not send Angels to Men on Earth ownly for the purpose of Performing a work which Men could not do while Holy Ghost should be with Every Saint of God to reveal to him his duty hourerly
~ Wilford Woodruff

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Letter from Edwin Willard Fifield, 17 October 1896

Weston, Idaho, . Presidendets Wilford Wdoodruff, George Q. Cannon, & Joseph F Smith. Dear brothers: I have received a letter from Sec. Geo Reynolds asking me to state my feelings in regard to being called on a foreign mission I can say, derar b^r^ethren, by the aid of God through His Holy Priesthood, I would be glad to be called to preach ^principles of^ righteousness to the nations of the earth. At present I can not see a way of getting the means to take me there.

Letter from Lorenzo Lafayette Hatch, 17 October 1896

Franklin Prest. W. Woodruff Dear Bro. If agreeable with you Bros. W. Challas & I. H. Nash would like to start on their mission on the same dait. Yours &c L. L. Hatch Bp Let it be so. J. F. S.

Telegram from Christian John Christiansen, 17 October 1896

Received at 73 Main St., next Deseret Bank, Salt Lake City, at 9:05 Am. [sideways text] QUICK SERVICE. [end of sideways text] Dated, Fountain Green Utah 17 To First Presidency Mormon Church. Elder Bischoffs Mother very low she desires to see him. Bp. C. J. Christeiansen. I would send the word to bro. Bisshoff and leave the matter in his own hands and those of his president J. F. S. Over BE SURE YOU ANSWER BY THIS LINE.

Letter from Mary S. Tittle, 17 October 1896

Mr. Wilford Woodruff Salt Lake City, Utah. Dear Sir, In last weeks Pittsburg Dispatch I read that you were formerly from Connetcticut. My Grandfather Henry D Woodruff, son of Philo Woodruff was born their also. I often had


View selected events in the two months surrounding this date in Wilford Woodruff's life.

Wilford changes fast day from the first Thursday to the first Sunday of each month.

Oct 17, 1896