Day in the Life

Oct 20, 1896

Journal Entry

October 20, 1896 ~ Tuesday

20 we held Meetings all day with various Brethren
Brother Budge & Stephen Met with Col Trumbo
about the Gardo House I Attended a party at Sister Eldridges


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W Woodruff spoke one hour {in the power of God} I took up the subject of the office of Administration of Angels & the office of the Holy Ghost I testified that the Lord did not send Angels to Men on Earth ownly for the purpose of Performing a work which Men could not do while Holy Ghost should be with Every Saint of God to reveal to him his duty hourerly
~ Wilford Woodruff

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Letter from Alma Swenson, 20 September 1896

Pleasant Grove, . President Wilford Woodruff. Dear Bro. I rec'd, your letter a time ago to send me as ^a^ mission- ary to the southern States and to leave Salt Lake as early as Nov. 10. This time suits me very much and I will be able to leave then, and prefere not to leave any later than that date. If I do not hear from you again I will be prepared and expect to start at that time. I remain your Bro in the Gospel, Alma Swenson James Cobbley bp

Letter from David Bynon Thomas, 20 October 1896

Pres. Wilford Woodruff Dear Bro. I acknowlagdge with pleasure yourthe receipt of your communication of yesterday's date; requesting my presence at Salte Lake City, in december 1896 to be set apart for A mission to Great Bratain. "Dec. 1896 is rather an in- definate date." am sorry to have to trouble you for an other communication. I would like to know what Day of the month I am to be there? Fraternally yours D. B. Thomas Carl. J. Cannon Bp

Letter from John David Coombs, 20 October 1896

President Wilford Woodruff Salt Lake City Dear Brother your letter containing a call for me to take a mission to the Southern States came to hand some time ago, I will accept the call and will be on hand December 10th 1896 yours Respectfully John D. Coombs

Letter from Joseph Francis Thomas, 20 October 1896

MANASSA, COLO., Pres't Wilford Woodruff. Dear Brother; I had expected to be able to start from here on a mission to the Northern States on last Saturday, (17th). Two or three days previous to that date however, I was subpoenaed to appear before the District Court (as a witness) on Dec 2nd 1896. I have tried to induce the attorneys in the case to arrange to take my deposition, but so far without success. I shall make another effort, but seeing that some considirable delay is unavoidable I write you to explain. I consulted Stake Prest. Smith—about writing you immediately after I was summoned—but he thought I need not write you until I found out what the chances were for having my deposition taken—so I postponed it till today Very Truly Your Brother, in the Gospel Joseph F. Thomas

Letter from Peter Sanford Olson, 20 October 1896

Mink Creek Ida To the first Presidency of the Church of Jesus Christ of Lattaerday Saints Geo Reynolds Sec. Salt Lake City Utah Dear Brethren Yours of the 12th inst came to hand the 17th and will say in reply to it that I am willing to go on a mission whenever I am called, but I will ask to have my time postponed untill April 1897 as I have not made final praof [proof] on my homestead yet. So if I receive a call to go on a Mission I will arange things so I can be ready at the time aforesaid your brother Peter S Olson P.S. I have been absent from home or I should have answer sooner P. S. O. Let us set the date for Next Apr. Con. J. F. S


View selected events in the two months surrounding this date in Wilford Woodruff's life.

Wilford changes fast day from the first Thursday to the first Sunday of each month.

Oct 20, 1896