Day in the Life

Oct 24, 1896

Journal Entry

October 24, 1896 ~ Saturday

24 Saturday in company with a whole car load of
Brethren & Sisters I went on the Rail to the sugar
at Lehi I found that the company was
improving upon any former year the Last time I wa[s]
there it took 60 seconds to make 100 lbs of sugar today
it took ownly 40 seconds & Beets went as high as 18 per
cent of scearing some as low as 12 per cent but
a small portion below 14 per cent. They were also putting
up a large quantity of Beets for seed for Next Year
The seed they are saving is much better than imported seed


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Letter from Emanual Hoff, 24 October 1896

Georgetown Bear Lake Co Idaho Prest Woodruff Dear brother I accept the call as missionary to Northern States, and I will be at the Historian's office at the time appointed to be there in the City about Dec 1st [18]96 Respectfully your brother Emanuel Hoff. H A Lewis Bp

Letter from Neil Livingston Gardner, 24 October 1896

President Wilford Woodruff Salt Lake City Dear Brother, You say that my name has been accepted as a missionary to Great Britain and you ask what my feelings are in regard to the call. I can say that my knowledge of the Gospel is extremely limited and I feel like I aught to know more about it myself before I attempt to teach it to others, but If it is the desire of those who are in authority over me, that I should go, I will attempt to do the best I can under the cercumstances Your Bro Neil L Gardner Worthy L.D. Saint and Missionary Henry Gardner Bp

Letter from John William Hess, 24 October 1896

Bountiful Presidaent Wilford Woodruff Dear Bro I can recimend, Bro Joseph C Wood as being worthy and able to go on a mission. He is a high priest, native born about 38 or 40 years old Po. O. Woods Cross Utah John W. Hess Very good. Let him be duly enquired of. J. F. S.

Notice to the public, 24 October 1896

NOTICE. To the officers and member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter- day Saints: It having been reported to us that Brother Moses Thatcher has on three different occasions recently addressed congregations of the Saints at Logan, Cache Valley, this therefore is to notify you that by action of the Coun- cil of First Presidency and Apostles of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, the nam[e] of Moses Thatcher was not pre- sented at the General Conferences of April and October, 1896, to be sus- tained in his office as an Apostle; and that this action of the authorities sus- pended him from exercising any of the functions of the Priesthood, that is, from preaching the Gospel or administering in any of the ordinances thereof, until he, by making satisfactory amends to his fellow-servants, should be restored to their fellowship and that of the Church. WILFORD WOODRUFF, GEORGE Q. CANNON, JOSEPH F. SMITH, First Presidency.

Letter from James Ephraim Steele, 24 October 1896

Iona, Idaho, Pres. Wilford Woodruff & Coun. Salt Lake City Ut. Dear Brethren, We enclose a letter from Bp. A. O. Inglestrom of the Basalt Ward this Stake for your consideration. And will be very pleased to have you advise as to what answer we may make to the Bishop. As we have never had such a case come to our attention before We have been down to what is known as the Grover branch situated about 30 miles South and west from Blackfoot on the opposite side of the river. And have selected a man by the name of Geo. Y. Pugmire for Bp. Bro Pugmire is a man about 30 or 32 yrs. of age and came from Bearlake country. And we believe he will make a good Bp. He will be in attendance at our next quarterly Con- ference and can there be set apart by those holding authority in attendance at same.

Business/Financial - Account Book, 1889-1898

girl $3 T $3 At Tithig Office $14.90 20 90 carried to Page 69 $653 35


View selected events in the two months surrounding this date in Wilford Woodruff's life. Click on the dates to jump to that day in Wilford Woodruff's journal.

Wilford changes fast day from the first Thursday to the first Sunday of each month.

Oct 24, 1896