Day in the Life

Oct 30, 1896

Journal Entry

October 30, 1896 ~ Friday

^ A hand pointing to the right^ 30 I wrote to Sarah {and sent forty dollars} I received Telegrams from
Idaho on Politics wants an Answer


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Woodruff, Sarah Brown
1 Jan 1834 - 9 May 1909
707 mentions


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Letter to Clara Martisha Woodruff Beebe, 30 October 1890

Salt Lake City, U. T. My Dear Clara Enclosed find $100 for the Horse Cap inasmuch as you both agree in your understanding that I gave you the Horse I am willing to pay for him, I dont want him to go out of the family and when you get through with him I will take him home I dont want any misunderstanding in our family affairs I have done what I could to help both you & Ovando to make you comfortable since your Marriage and I am still willing to, you have always been a good Daughter and are a good Wife & a good Mother and have two good children and they are all a comfort to me and I want they always should be while I live I Remain your Affectinat Father Wilford Woodruff

Letter from Bryant Clinton Mecham, 30 October 1896

Pres. Wilford Woodruff. Salt Lake City Utah. Dear Brother: Yours of 25 inst., received. I will be prepared to sail from Vancouver on the date mentioned Dec. 8th 1896. But would be pleased if you could let me know what date to be at the Historian's Office to be set apart. Your Brother in the Gospel Bryant C. Mecham L. A. Mecham Bp.

Letter from John William White, 30 October 1896

President Wilford Woodruff Dear Brother I will try and be ready by the day appointed. I will go and do the best I can with the help of God. your Brother in the Gosple, John W. White. I cheerefulluy reccommend Bro John W White as being a faithful Later- daiy Saint and think he will be a very good Missionerey your Bro in the Gospel of truth James C Hamilton Bp of Mill Creek Ward

Letter from James Edward Talmage, 30 October 1896

Pres. Wilford Woodruff, City; Dear Brother: The small metallic image of human bust received from your office by the hand of Elder George F. Gibbs has been submitted to tests as to composition with the following results: 1. The image is composed of ZINC, with a small trace of IRON, the latter as an impurity. 2. Silver is not present even in traces. I have been unable thus far to compare the object as a work of art with other pieces of known antiquity; and I cannot therefore, express any well founded opinion as to comparative age. In accordance with the suggestion of Bro. Gigbbs, the specimen will be held at the Deseret Museum subject to your order. Respectfully yours, J. E. Talmage.

Letter from Axel Leonard Holmgren, 30 October 1896

Lund [Lynne] Ward Ida To the first Presidency of the church. I have recevid your letter which calls me to a foreign mission, and i can say that i am willing to go on a mission, but i have not the money yet so i can promise the exatly time when i can be ready to go. I will write and tell you when i receved the money so i can go on the mission Your brother in the Gospel Axle Holmgren Very well. We will wait till he writes again. J. F. S.

Business/Financial - Account Book, 1889-1898

Cash $30 Tithig $10 40

Business/Financial - Account Book, 1889-1898


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Wilford changes fast day from the first Thursday to the first Sunday of each month.

Oct 30, 1896