Day in the Life

Oct 31, 1896

Journal Entry

October 31, 1896 ~ Saturday

31 I took cars with Mrs Woodruff for Nephi when
we got to the point of the Mountain 3 train of cars was
stoped for one hour waiting for Wm H King who
came to Late to get the cars He overslept himself
And all the train of cars were stoped waiting
for him & when He arived He ownly rode 2 o[r] 3 Miles
before He got off & went another way this was vary strange

Thing that 3 trains should be stoped for an hour
for a political Man to come & get on the cars &
ownly rode 2 Miles we Did not reach Nephi untill Noon
I met with the conference in the Meeting House at 2 oclok
several of the Brethren spoke for near an hour then I spoke
about an hour I als[o] attended the Priesthood Meeting in
the Evening & spoke 50 Minutes, & had a good Meeting


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Woodruff, Emma Smith
1 Mar 1838 - 6 Mar 1912
1031 mentions
King, William Henry
3 Jun 1863 - 27 Nov 1949


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Discourse 1896-10-31
Prest Woodruffe spoke of the weak confounding the strong and related many interesting experiences of his life, spoke of the Judgements of God coming upon the earth and have begune now & know power of earth can stay them, he also related the early experiences of the church in Utah & contrasted it with present conditions, exhorted the people to be faithful to their covenants, & said he felt impressed to urge the people to get the spirit of the gospel & to get the spirit of God, that it may be a monitor to them, if we follow its dictates we shall not be hurt, related some visitations hed had received, spoke of the necessity of the people redeeming their dead. (spoke fifty minutes)
Letter from Thomas Edwin Ricks, 31 October 1896
President Wilford Woodruff Salt Lake City Utah Dear Brother, Your kind favor of 28th inst. to hand. In the matter of the purported circulation of certain literature inimical to the interests of the election of Fred T. Dubois to the U.S. Senate, will say that we have not heard the first mention from any source whatever of such being done. We approve of all the counsel given in your letter and have been and are working on these lines With kind regards I am Your Brother in the Gospel T E Ricks
Letter from Orson Smith, 31 October 1896
Logan, Utah, Prest Wilford Woodruff Dear Brother The question arose in our High Council as to the authority of our Stake presidency to release a high counselors as he had been set apart by an Apostle. A line confirming our action to place upon our reccords will be thankfully recd and filed. Your Brother Orson Smith


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Wilford changes fast day from the first Thursday to the first Sunday of each month.

Oct 31, 1896