Day in the Life

Nov 3, 1896

Journal Entry

November 03, 1896 ~ Tuesday

3. I went to the office & on the way stoped at a pooling
place & cast my vote for the Men of my choice
I met with my councillors & others at the office
I spent the day in the office


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Letter from George S. Coleman, 3 November 1896
Hebron President Wilford Woodruff Salt Lake City Dear Bro I received your Letter of Oct the 16th informing me that my name with others has ben selected to take a mission to Astralasia and to Leave vancover on the 8th of Dec I wish to no when I will knead to be in Salt Lake City and a bout what means I will kneed I wirite this becaus I your Letter dident state the time for me to be in salt Lake I will be on hand at the apointed time eney information will be greately appreciated
Letter to Henry S. Tanner, 3 November 1896
P.O. Box B. Salt Lake City, Utah . 189[6] Prest. Henry S. Tanner, California Mission. Dear Brother: It gives us pleasure to inform you that we have appointed Elder Ephraim Nye to succeed you in the presidency of the California Mission. You will therefore please transfer to him all books, papers, accounts and whatever else is necessary to enable him to satisfactorily take hold of the business of the Mission as well as of its spiritual concerns, at whatever date is most convenient to you both; you will also give him all the information necessary to enable him to assume the duties of his new position in the most acceptable manner. You will then be at liberty to return home whenever you deem it most proper. While thus releasing you from the many and varied respon- sibilities connected with this mission, we feel to say that your earnest and devoted labors in the presidency are appreciated by us, and we trust that you will continue to be highly blessed of the Lord in all your duties after you return to your home and friends in Zion. Praying the Lord to bless you with a pleasant, safe and speedy journey home, We remain, Your Brethren, Wilford Woodruff Geo. Q. Cannon Jos. F. Smith
Mission - Missionary Certificate for George Hopkin Eyre, 3 November 1896
in behalf of said Church. Wilford Woodruff Geo. Q. Cannon Jos. F. Smith First Presidency.


View selected events in the two months surrounding this date in Wilford Woodruff's life. Click on the dates to jump to that day in Wilford Woodruff's journal.

Wilford changes fast day from the first Thursday to the first Sunday of each month.

Nov 3, 1896