Day in the Life

Nov 2, 1896

Journal Entry

November 02, 1896 ~ Monday

2 I spent Most of the Day at Brother Teasdales
we took cars & Returned to Salt Lake City in
the Evening I was quite Poorly through the night
had the Rheumatism in the night


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Teasdale, George
8 Dec 1831 - 9 Jun 1907
708 mentions
Apostle, Missionary


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Letter from Benjamin Wilcox Dansie, 2 November 1896

President Woodruff Dear Bro as I have been selected for a mission to the southern states I kindly except that appointment and will be at service of the Church by the 10th of Nov Your Brother in the gosple B W Dansie I hereby indorse the above Adam Speirs Bp 10th Wd S. L. City

Letter from William Wesley Williams, 2 November 1896

Pres Wilford Woodruff. Salt Lake City Dear brother I'll be redyin Salt Lake on the 9th of Dec ready to be set apart, and start on the 10 to take the mishen. Your brother, Wm W. Williams. Rbert H Williams Jr

Letter from Alma Edwards Hubbard, 2 November 1896

Lago, First Presidency of the Church Dear brothers I am willing to go on a mission and will be ready to leave at the time appointed. I would like to ask how much money will it take, to take me to my field of labor and what date will I need to leave Salt Lake City in order to get to Vancouver ready to Sail on Jan. 8, 1897, and also what port will I sail for when I leave Vancouver. Your brother in the Gospel Alma Hubbard Wm M. Harris, Bp.

Letter from Orlando Barrus, 2 November 1896

Fagalii, . To the First Pres. of the Church. Dear Brethren: Yours of Oct. 3 is at hand wherein you direct that that the Togan Mission be closed & the Elders recalled to Samoa. I have written Elder Welker calling the three youngest elders in the mission to return immediately to Samoa that they might commence at once a study of the Samoan language. I have also written & sent releases to the two oldest in the Mission Elders Atkinson & Jones, to sail on the boat leaving Apia Dec. 31, 1896. I have also released Elder Hutchings of Samoa to return at the same time. There were three other Elders who came with these


View selected events in the two months surrounding this date in Wilford Woodruff's life. Click on the dates to jump to that day in Wilford Woodruff's journal.

Wilford changes fast day from the first Thursday to the first Sunday of each month.

Nov 2, 1896