Day in the Life

Dec 4, 1896

Journal Entry

December 04, 1896 ~ Friday

4. I spent the Day at the office Met with Br Tanner from
San Francisco & Brother Hart & Spencer also Br Roberts
& John W Taylor abought his Mission to Colorado &c
Brother John Bohn who brought to me as a Gift to the Temple
of the Burial of the Savior After the crusifiction of
the savior this is the seconed one for the Temple


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Tanner, Henry Smith
15 Feb 1869 - 23 May 1935
65 mentions
Taylor, John Whittaker
15 May 1858 - 10 Oct 1916
158 mentions
Apostle, Missionary


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Letter from Charles Arthur Welch, 4 December 1896
Morgan City, Utah, Prest. Wilford Woodruff Salt Lake City, Utah. Dear Brother Your letter of Nov. 30th notifying me that I am called on a mission to the Eastern States and asking me to be ready to leave Salt Lake City Feb. 20, 1897 has been received. In reply will say I accept the call and will be ready on the day nam- ed to start for my field of labor. Respectfully Your Brother Charles A. Welch. P.S. I shall be pleased if you will send me the name and address of the President of the Mission that I may learn what I need to take with me. C. A. W. Bror C. A. Welch is A faithfull energic Elder and and is also an able young Man as filled A mission to the Southern States and Europe and is Alive man at home holding several Piscisions at the Present time. Your Bror in the Gospel. C. Turner Bishop
Letter from Parley P. Eldredge, 4 December 1896
Parma Ida. President Wilford Woodruff: Salt Lake. Dear Brother Your letter of recent date received. Will say in reply I will be ready to start for my mission on Jan 14th 1897. Your Brother in the Gospel, P. P. Eldredge.


View selected events in the two months surrounding this date in Wilford Woodruff's life. Click on the dates to jump to that day in Wilford Woodruff's journal.

Wilford changes fast day from the first Thursday to the first Sunday of each month.

Dec 4, 1896