Day in the Life

Dec 6, 1896

Journal Entry

December 06, 1896 ~ Sunday

6 Sunday I spent this day at home was quite unwell

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Letter from Herbert A. White, 6 December 1896

Salt Lake City, . Pres. Willford Woodruff P. O. Box B. City. Dear Bro.: Your notification calling me to the Colorado mission is recd. In reply will say, I am ready to go and have allready accepted the call given me by apostle Jno. W. Taylor and have arranged to leave this city in company with him and others on the fifteenth {15} of December, 1896. Very truly your Bro. Herbert A. White 668 So. 3rd E., Smiths Court. I herewith endorse Bro White as worthy to act as a missionary L G Hardy Bp 2nd Ward

Letter from Samuel B. Rushforth, 6 December 1896

Pres. Wilferd Woodruff, Salt Lake City; Dear Brother: you letter come to hand Dec 4th I was pleased to hear of the progression of the work of Lord a mong the ^nations of the^ earth, and am plased I am nubered among the chsen ones of god to be called to that field of labor and feel to respond to the call with pleasure although I feel my weakeness and inability to impart to my fellow man the principles of the gospe but with the help of the Lord I will do my best. and arraingements will be to meet sed date. Jan 14th 1897 you Brother in the gospe S B Rushforth I cheerfully endorse Peter Barton Bishop

Letter from William Wiesbrodt Francis, 6 December 1896

Morgan City Prest. Wilford Woodruff Salt Lake City. Dear Brother: In answer to your letter of acceptance dated Nov. 30th, I would say; at your request I will be at the Historians office Mar. 26, 1897 to be set apart as a missionary to the Netherlands Having a knowledge that this ^is^ the work of God and that the call made upon me is of divine origin I feel, although finantially imbarrassed, to respond willing ly to the call. Your Bro. in the Gospel, William W. Francis

Letter from J. M. Hixon, 6 December 1896

Wanship Bro Willford Woodruff Dear sir i Want to ask you a question for my own information and others Can a man be ordained a Hipriest [High Priest] & set apart to act as second Councilr to the Bishop, Without having its his Endowmen- ts and a married man Has been a Deacon fo 10 years has been odained an Elder & Sevety Please Answer Your Bro in the Gospel J M Hixson

Letter from Andrew Kimball, 6 December 1896

Salt Lake City, Utah. To the First Presidency Dear Brethren: I take pleasure in submitting the name of Nephi J. Valentine, 2nd ward of Brigham City, as a missionary for Indian Territory Mission to leave here as early as he can be ready. I have consulted his Bishop and find he can be recommended in every particular. Respctfully Your Bro. Andrew Kimball Prest. L. Snow, wants to enquire about him a little before he is prepared to recommend him. Pres. Snow will let us know within 48 hours. J. F S. Dec. 10, 1896.

Letter from Andrew Kimball, 6 December 1896

Salt Lake City, Utah. To the First Presidency, Salt Lake City, Dear Brethren: Please furnish about Twenty Elders for the Indian Territory Mission as soon as they can be had. I would like Ten to leave here as early as Jan. 1st 1897, and the others as soon after as practicable. Elders of American birth under fourty years, are preferable. With Kind regards. Very Respctfully, Your brother, Andrew Kimball. Brigham City Dec 6 1896.


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Wilford changes fast day from the first Thursday to the first Sunday of each month.

Dec 6, 1896