Day in the Life

Dec 7, 1896

Journal Entry

December 07, 1896 ~ Monday

7. I spent the day in the office B H Roberts called upon
me & gave me a History and gave a History of his
mission East. The Court closed upon the water question


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Letter from Helen Woodward Adams Chandler, 7 December 1896

Aberdeen, South Dakota, To the President of The Church of the Latter Day Saints Salt Lake City, Utah. Dear sir I have a copy of the original Book of Mormon bound in leather. The book is in a good state of preservation and perfect in every respect except that the title page is gone. Every other page of the book is complete. It contains in addition to the 588 pages of the "Book of Mormon" the testimony of three witnesses and also the testimony of eight witnesses. I desire to sell this book. Kindly make me an offer for it. Yours truly H. W. Chandler 417 Jay street south Aberdeen S. D.

Letter from William Claude Clive, 7 December 1896

Salt Lake City President W Woodruff Dear Brother Have received your letter of Dec 4th, and am willing to go on mission Yours truly W. C. Clive George Romney

Letter from Thomas Edwin Ricks, 7 December 1896

Prest. Wilford Woodruff Box B Salt Lake City Utah Dear Brother, Our quarterly conference will be held Sunday and Monday 13 and 14th current here. We shall be pleased to have some of the Presidency or quorum of the Twelve visit us and if you will kindly inform us when the brethren will get to Market Lake we will meet them there Your Brother in the Gospel T. E. Ricks

Letter from Charles Ora Card, 7 December 1896

Prest. Wilford Woodruff & Elder Geo. Reynolds Secy, Salt Lake City Utah U. S. A. Dear Brother In confering with you by letter recently, about the Manatoba and North West Territories of Canada Missionaries I stated I would be there this month and confer with the Presidency or Missionary Committes Since that time we have had some very severe snow storms. The snow fell to a depth of 2 1/2 feet and our church stock were much endangered and the people here out of fuel. We have had a hard stuggle to break roads for fuel and stock. In fact we have had to go to our stock with snow plows and in this wise uncover the grass and save the stock where we could not reach our feed with them. However through the faith and prayers of the strugling saints here the Lord sent a thawing wind & took away part of the snow. Yet the struggle is not yet ended. We have roads to the coal mine and we are now partially relieved on the fuel question.


View selected events in the two months surrounding this date in Wilford Woodruff's life. Click on the dates to jump to that day in Wilford Woodruff's journal.

Wilford changes fast day from the first Thursday to the first Sunday of each month.

Dec 7, 1896