Day in the Life

Dec 12, 1896

Journal Entry

December 12, 1896 ~ Saturday

12. I spent the day at home sick

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Letter from Arnold A. Reiser, 12 December 1896

President Wilford Woodruff, City. Dear Brother: Yours of the 11 inst. is at hand. I am well satis- fied with the call made on me. The date which is set is perfectly satisfactory to me. I can be ready by the date set, which is the 21st, of January, 1897. I am willing to do anything that is requested of me, by the servants of God. Your Brother in the Gospel, Arnold Reiser. Brother Reiser is a good young man and I take pleasure in recommen ding him for this mission I remain Your Brother in the Gospel Jas C Watson Bishop 6th ward

Letter from Jesse Leonidas Mortensen, 12 December 1896

Sanford Pres. Wilford Woodruff Salt Lake City Dear Brother Yours of the 5th inst. came to hand on Dec 9th, a little sooner than I had looked for, but according to your request I have made arangements to start on the date you have set namely Jan 16 [18]97. I feal my weakness and inability to a great exstent but with the help of the Almighty to assist me in my endeavors I am willing to go and do the very best I can. I remain as ever your Bro in the Gospel J. S. Mortensen. S. C Berthelson Bishop

Letter from George Walton Smith, 12 December 1896

President Wilford Woodruff Dear Brother: In answer to the call that has been made on me to take a mission tho the Southern States I realize that it is an honnor to be thought worthy to carry the Everlasting Gospile to the nNations of the eEarth I also realize my one weekness and how poorley I ham prepared I ham to fill this call of honnor I ham willing to accept it and will fullfill my mission to the best of my a billity God being

Letter from John M. Cloward, 12 December 1896

Salem President Woodruff Dear Brother, My faith in the Gospel is all right, but I feel my weakness. I have had no experience not very well educated, and not any experience in missionary life but I feel it a duty to respond to the call, and if nothing happens to prevent I will be at the Historians Office 14th, Apconril 1897. Your Brother in the Gospel. John M. Cloward. David R. Taylor Bp.

Letter from Ephraim H. Nye, 12 December 1896

President Wilford Woodruff Salt Lake City Utah Dear Brother: Herewith I send you a letter from Elder N. D. Brown, Please inform me what to do in the matter. I have not been instructed in relation to releases, & do not feel at liberty to make any. The prospects are very bright, & we shall soon be able to use a considerable number ^of Elders^ more than we now have. All are well. Awaiting your instructions, I remain. very truly yours E. H. Nye

Letter from Ephraim H. Nye, 12 December 1896

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Wilford changes fast day from the first Thursday to the first Sunday of each month.

Dec 12, 1896