Day in the Life

Dec 11, 1896

Journal Entry

December 11, 1896 ~ Friday

11 I went to the office Met quite a Number of Brethren
I talked with F D Richards concerning his son C. C. R
on his work in Ogden against the pipe line

A hand pointing to the right I wrote a Letter to day to Geo. Q Cannon


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Richards, Franklin Dewey
2 Apr 1821 - 9 Dec 1899
819 mentions
Cannon, George Quayle
11 Jan 1827 - 12 Apr 1901
2294 mentions


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Letter from Samuel Stephen Florence, 11 December 1896

Brother Wilford Woodruff Dear Brother Your Letter of the 3 instant came safe to hand and was Read with a dergee of Pleasure and thakfullness I can say i will be ready to go on the time you stated Hoping all will be well I Remain Your Brother in the cause of trooth Samul S Florence Samuel Carter, Bishop.

Letter from Thomas Anson Waddoups, 11 December 1896

Bountiful President Wilford Woodruff. Salt lake City. Dear Brother In answer to your letter asking me to take a mission to the Sandwich Islands will say that I am ready and willing to respond to the call by Will be ready to sail from Vanco^u^ver on 8th of Jan. as designated by your letter Your Brother in the Gospel Thos A Waddoups. David Stoker Bp

Letter to George Quayle Cannon, 11 December 1896

S. L. City President G. Q. Cannon Dear Brother I was informed this morning that I could Reach you by Letter so I sit Down to Manage it I feel that I want to talk to you first I will say that I hope you will be able to Raise some Money East at a less interest than 10 percent. We are obliged to Raise some Money soon some some where or we are in trouble There is a vary unpleasent affair taken place in Ogden C. C. Richards has united with John Seaman & got up an injunction against the pipe company opening the Rode Roads on each side of the Reservoy and put it off 10 days before it can be heard by the Court it is interfering with all our work there Mr Benigan was Down yesterday to see us about it it is a vary serious thing We are still threatened by the Men [are over] on the Mines if our Debts are not paid there. I got a Letter yesterday from Dooly wants us to pay some of our Notes there Brother Jack is Receiving the interest on it the following may be agreeable News to you old Sister Norman sent her Last Husband to me to Request me to send a Lawyier to her to Make out a Deed to me as Trustee in Trust of all her property House Lots &c she wanted it all Done before she Died I got F. S. Richards to go & attend to it that is the Last we tryed to get for our R R & coal Depo which we could not obtain

Letter from Daniel T. Miller, 11 December 1896

Papeete, Tahiti, To the First Presidency, Salt Lake City, Utah. Dear Brethren, Since my last to you I have made a tour a- round Tahiti on foot stopping at most of the places on the places on the way. My purpose in making the tramp was to gain experience in using the language and especially to make my self acquainted with ^the^ people and the general features of this, the principal island, in the mission. I feel well paid for my effort. I found the people as a whole very kind I was treated to the best they had. At many places the poul- try yard suffered a loss in my behalf and the best bed in the house was always placed at my disposal. They have all the faults and failings common to their race, but I was


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Wilford changes fast day from the first Thursday to the first Sunday of each month.

Dec 11, 1896