Day in the Life

Jan 8, 1897

Journal Entry

January 08, 1897 ~ Friday

8 I received 2 Letters from Asahel & Sarah


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Woodruff, Asahel Hart, b. 1863
3 Feb 1863 - 2 Jul 1939
708 mentions
Woodruff, Sarah Brown
1 Jan 1834 - 9 May 1909
707 mentions

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Letter from James Nicholas Jensen, 8 January 1897

President Wilford Woodruff, Salt Lak City, P.O. Box B. Dear Brother, In reply to your letter of the 4th Ult., I have nothing to hinder me from getting ready on the date mentioned. (Feb 18 1897) I remain your Brother, Jas. N. Jensen. James Jensen, Bp Forest Dale Ward.

Letter from Ephraim H. Nye, 8 January 1897

President Wilford Woodruff SaltLake City, Utah. Dear Brother: I take great pleasure in reporting the fact to you, that I have just completed arrangments with the Southern Pacific Company by which they have issued to me a —:Free aannual Pass:—and ^will call^ to all our Elders throughuout the State and to and from Ogden a Clergy-man^'s^ half-fare-permit; under the following conditions. That in all^ ^cases either for Elders laboring in this mission directly under my control^,^ or Elders reteurning from any of the Ilands Missions who desire to avail themselves of this privelege s theyshall make application to the Company directyly through me; and for whom-so-ever I ask this favor, they will grant it. After a long interview with Mr. J. C. Stubbs 3rd Vice-President, on the 5th, and another with Mr. Donald- son his assistant, to day, this is the result. They requir the conditions above refered to as a protection to them against any of our people who might under-take to secure th^e^se privelegeds without being justly entitled to them. They hope, in consideration of the favors thus extended by them to us, especially the free annuall pass to me over all their roads in the State, that the good will of the Presidency at Salt Lake City will be secured and tha t all the Elders traveling to and from the Ilands as well as such as come to this mission will patronize their Road from Ogden to San Francisco. I hope Dear Brother, that what I have done in this matter will meet your Iapprobationorrow for Los Angeles your approbation. I start to morrow for Los Angeles to visit the Elders in the Southern part of the State. I expect to be gone two or three ^weeks,^ if you have any word for me, kindly send it to this place and it will be forwarded to me. All the Elders but five in this mission are now traveling with out purse or scrip and the finest reports continue to come in from them. tThey declare they are are treated royally on allmost every hand. Spending their whole time among the people and making many friends. All the Elders are full of praise and thanksgiving to the almighty for the change that has been made and are looking for rich returns in the future as a result of the presant mode of laboring among the people. Four of the presant force of Elders in the mission will have been here two years in the Spring. We shall need others to fil their place^s^; beside this, there are 56 Counties in the State; there is room for a pair of Elders in every County. I am fully per- suaded sway^ua^ded that the elders can travil in every part of the Stt State without purse or scrip and be treated as Gentlemen. I am red ready to use any number of elders that you may see fit to send me. Devoutly praying for blessings upon you all, your Brother E.H.Nye

Letter from Thomas Edwin Ricks, 8 January 1897

President Wilford Woodruff & Counselors Box B Salt Lake City, Utah Dear Brethren, We duly received your favor of 31st ult. regarding compensation by Church to myself and counselors for services rendered. Brothers Rigby and Bassett are now in Boise but previously we have talked this matter over and considered any [circumstances] such that we feel we [stand] in need of the same allowance as formerly. with kind regards I am Your Brother in the Gospel T E Ricks

Letter from Ferdinand F. Hintze, 8 January 1897

Big Cottonwood. President Wilford Woodruff and Councillors. Salt Lake City Utah. Following is a letter adressed to me and Brother Stouffer but as I think it well for you to see for yourselves how our brethern feel and what is being done in Turkey I have translated part of the letter for your perusal and the larger part of the letter I have condenced and given the main ideas. It being possible that ^you^ might feel lead to write an epistle to the saints in that land as there are several items in this letters as well as in Bro. Nigoghosian's letter that should be answered. The letter reads as follows: Messer F. F. Hintze and F Stauffer. Dear ^and beloved^ Brethern in Christ. For two ^years^ until the present time I have with great desire expected news or letter from you, but have received none wherefore I am very anxious. I don’t know, have we poor ones been entirely forgotten, or dont your letters reach us? For this reason I have a great desire to write to President Woodruff and also to our President in Liverpool, but I cannot write English and if I write turkish I suppose they can- not read it. For this reason I can only be patient and wait, for such information as God gives to help us in striving forward. For our desire is very great to meet with you in Zion, if possible, & there see you face to face: Oh, my dear brethren, dont we ever come into your rememberance, how there was a little church in Zara?, and dont you ever wonder what condition they are in? aAre they alive or are they dead? Are they backsliding or are they making headway, or what kind of exhortations do they, need? You


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Jan 8, 1897