Day in the Life

May 19, 1897

Journal Entry

May 19, 1897 ~ Wednesday

May 2019th I slept 5 1/2 hours before 730 am. washed shaved & dressed &
after breakfast walked out and started for the office at 1130, called at
Clara's on the way. While passing through the Eagle gate a very heavy
clap of thunder sounded right over our head. While at the office Bro. H. B.
called with his grandson Hal Clawson prepared to exhibit some
feats in Hypnotizm. He had 3 young men ^along^ upon whom he had previously
operated & showed some tricks. also made explanations &c. Returned
home at 430, ate supper with the family. On going to bed I was some
what restless before midnight.


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Beebe, Clara Martisha Woodruff
23 Jul 1868 - 29 Dec 1927
418 mentions
Clawson, Hiram Bradley
7 Nov 1826 - 29 Mar 1912


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Letter from Ammon Tunis Rappleye, 19 May 1897

Kanosh . Pres. Woodruff Dear Brother: I have rec. your notification and will except the same, if God will grant me helth and strength to fullfill my calling. In regrards to the field I am called cato. It suits me just as well as any country I know of. I haven't any choice. I feel it my duty to go where I am called. Your brother in the Gospel Ammon T. Rappleye.

Letter from Franklin Forrester Davis, 19 May 1897

Prest. Wilford Woodruff. Dear Brother Acknowledging receipt of your kind favor of May 15th duly recd which took me by Surprize. If the Lord wants and will accept my feeble effort to promulgate his work will accept the mission am called upon to fill and will try to discharge my duties Honorably July 22nd is rather inconvenient for my present circumstances the 22nd of August would be more Suitable and finan- cially more conveniently—However, the Lords will and not mine kindly reply which date you wish me to comply at your earliest convenience and Oblige, Your Bro in the Gospel, Forrester Davis Francis De St Jeor, Bishop of Clover Ward. [sideways text] 19 Aug [end of sideways text]

Letter from Thomas Cottle, 29 November 1897

Plain City . Bro Wilford Woodruff. Dear Brother. I received your letter & will be on hand at that date menton in your letter Oct. 21st 1897. As regard to my feelings I am perfectly will and satifid [satisfied] with the call. Your Brother in the gospel. Thomas Cottle. I cheerfuly endorse the above, and firmly believe that Brother Cottle will be an ener- getic laborer in ^the^ missionary field G W Bramwell Jr. Bishop

Letter from Charles Alexander Mace, 19 May 1897

Eureka, Tintic. . Pres. Woodruf Salt Lake City Dear Bro. Is there any emigration fund now in the church. Why I ask is that I have agreed to furnish one hundred dollars to help two of our saints from Norway to this country. She is coming much earlier than was at first expected, and I find that it will be difficult to meet it. I will pay a reasonable int. if you can furnish a part of that amount. All the security that I can give will be, a note signed by a good L. D. Saint Mr O. H. Olsen of Santaquinn, who is president of the Seventies Corum. answer at your earliest convenience. Yours very Respectfully C. A. Mace I have not mentioned this to Mr Olsen, but can get him. See over

Letter from William Grantham, 19 May 1897

President Wilford Woodruff; Dear Brother; Your letter notifying me that I have been selected to take an mission to the northern states Oct 21st 1897 has been recieved; I am Willing to go if I can raise sufficent means by that time, to pay my Way, at present I have nothing. I am Working for a man for $20 a month and if I can save enough by that time, that you ^I^ think I will go and be Justified in starting i Will go and do the best I can respectfully your Brother William Granthem W D Robinson Bishop

Letter from Orson Smith, 19 May 1897

Logan First Presidency Dear Brethern. Work on the B Y College new Building has progressed nicely thus far, and the excava- tion is now completed and ready to begin the rock work. We hope to moove it steadily on to completion. I write to day to ask the privilege of extending an invitation to any who might be willing and desireous to aid in this work outside of this Stake. There are students attending this institution from all over the land where the L. D. S. Reside many of whose parents and friends may be able and willing to aid in this building, and with your permision we would like to invite all who would, to join us in this labor. With kind regards Your Brother Orson Smith See over.

Letter from Andrew Jenson, 19 May 1897

Glasgow Scotland, . Prest. Wilford Woodruff Dear Brother! I expect to embark from this port (Glasgow) on Saturday next, the 22nd inst., on the steamer "City of Rome," homeward bound, taking with me a large number of Church records. I have just means enough with me to pay my fare to New York. Will you kindly telegraph me trans- portation from New York to Salt Lake City, as I shall be almost pennyless on my arrival in that city. I shall call immediately on Mr. R. Tenbroek, 86 Broadway, New York. Being with a small company of Saints and returning Elders, I shall endeavor to get the records through without overweight charges. Should such mbe made, however, I have no means with me to defray the expense. I have finished my labors in the European Mission, with the exception of the conference in Norway. I had expected to go there, but find myself obliged to return at once. I have been away over two years. My health is good, and I feel well, though fatigued through lack of rest and through working too many hours, perhaps, being anxious to get through. But I shall be able to rest while crossing the ocean. If I am required to pay my fare from New York to Salt Lake City, my wife will call and do so at once; but please do not keep me waiting in New York. Your Brother in the Gospel, Andrew Jenson.


View selected events in the two months surrounding this date in Wilford Woodruff's life. Click on the dates to jump to that day in Wilford Woodruff's journal.

Publication of Conference Report begins (replaced by Ensign Conference issue starting in 1965).

May 19, 1897