Day in the Life

May 23, 1897

Journal Entry

May 23, 1897 ~ Sunday

Sunday May 23rd I slept much of the time from midnight
till 730 Owen went to Pleasant Grove this morning. I arose dressed
took a walk and ate my breakfast. I rested and slept some.
Bro & Sister Miles of St George called about 11 am. Emma & myself had
a nice visit with them. Bro. James Sharp called in the evening and
stayed an hour in conversation. I went to bed early and slept
very well.


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Woodruff, Abraham Owen
23 Nov 1872 - 20 Jul 1904
633 mentions
Apostle, Family, Missionary
Woodruff, Emma Smith
1 Mar 1838 - 6 Mar 1912
1029 mentions
Sharp, James
18 Nov 1843 - 7 May 1904
1 mention


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Letter from Arnold Daniel Miller Jr., 23 May 1897

St. Anthony, Idaho, Pres. Woodruff. Salt Lake City; Dear Brother: In reply to yours of 18th Inst., shall try and com- ply with your request, and pre- sent myself either at Logan or S. L. City about June 9th, that I may receive my endow- ments, also be set apart for the mission. Have a desire to perform all duties required of me by those in authority, and God be- ing my helper shall strive to fill an honorable mission. Your Brother A. D. Miller Jr. E Z Carbine Bp of Parker

Letter from Albert Gardiner Goodrich, 23 May 1897

Vernal, Uintah Co. President Wilford Woodruff, Dear Brother: In answere to yours of May the 14, will say that it is agreeable with my feelings to go on a mission, to the North- ern States, to preach the Gospel and if nothing unavoidable happens to hinder me I will be in Salt Lake at the appo- inted time ready to start. Your Brother in the Gospel Albert G. Goodrich. James M. Shaffer Bip of Merrell Ward Uintah Stake

Letter from Charles Albert Rosland Mickelsen, 23 May 1897

Weston Prest. Willford Woodruff. Dear Bro. Your call of the 19th inst for a mMission to California June 274 [18]97 is accepted and if no unavoidable obstacle comes in my way I will be in Salt Lake City on the time appointed Your Brother in the Gospel Charles Mickelsen. We cheerfully recommend Bro Micklesen. John H Clarke Bp

Letter from Edward Franklin Turley, 23 May 1897

Clonia Juarez . President Wilford Woodruff Salt Lake City Utah. Dear Brother Your favor received, contents noted I take pleasure in answering I will try and be at the historian Office at the appointed time by the help of God. Your Brother in the Gospel Edw. F. Turley George W Sevey Bp P.S. President W. Woodruff please find ^enclosed^ recamend for which I desire to get a Seventies certificate or Licence. It will be the means helping us out in our R. Road fare, for we pay $2.04 for 1.00/100 amer. I will settle for License when I come up to S. L. City. to be set apart. E. F. T. [sideways text] N.S. by June [end of sideways text]

Letter from George C. Child, 23 May 1897

Prest. Wilford Woodruff: Dear Brother. Your letter of the 22 inst. at hand. I will accept the California mission with pleasure. I will ^be^ ready to start at the appointed time. Your Bro. Geo. C. Child. Sanford Bingham Bp

Letter from Heber Erastus Farr, 23 May 1897

President Wilford Woodruff Dear Brother your favor of May 15th was duely received. In regard my feelings to the call I accept it and will be in Salt Lake at the appointed date. Your Brother in the Gospel Heber E. Farr F. G. Williams Acting Bishop

Letter from Walter Mathias Johns, 23 May 1897

Bro. Wilford Woodruff Dear President: I recieved your letter last evening asking me to express my feelings and circumstances in respect to taking a mission. I feel perfectly willing to go and do my best and as to the time, I will leave that to you. My occupation is Farming. I am not able to speak any language besides English Please let me know as soon as possible about what time I will be expected to leave, as it will assist me very much in arranging my affairs. Your brother in the Gospil Walter M Johns.

Letter from John Randolph Thompson, 23 May 1897

Prest. Wilford Woodruff Dear Brother. Yours of the 22 inst at hand, I will state that I accept the California Mission with pleasure. And am ready to go at the appointed time, the 17th of next month. Your Bro. John R. Thompson. Sanford Bingham Bp

Letter from James Neilsen, 23 May 1897

Weston . First Presidency, Dear Bros. Your letter at hand, and duly considered. Will accept your appoint- -ment, And will strive to fullfill it to the best of my abillities. Your Bro. Jas Neilsen. We cheerfully recommend Bro Jas Neilsen John H Clarke

Letter from John A. Larsen, 23 May 1897

Sandy . President W. Woodruff, Salt Lake City. Dear Brother: Your's of the 20th April received, and in response will state, that I am willing to except the call made to labor as missionary in Scandinavia and will prepare to leave home in latter part of March 1898, as the time appointed. Respectfully John A. Larson. Over


View selected events in the two months surrounding this date in Wilford Woodruff's life. Click on the dates to jump to that day in Wilford Woodruff's journal.

Publication of Conference Report begins (replaced by Ensign Conference issue starting in 1965).

May 23, 1897