Day in the Life

May 24, 1897

Journal Entry

May 24, 1897 ~ Monday

Monday May 24th I rested very well and slept considerable
arose at 7 a.m. shaved myself and enjoyed my breakfast. at 10:30
started for the office called at Bro. Squires & had my hair cut. called
at Clara's thence to the office at 1215, where I staid attending
to what business came up until 3 pm and drove home, where
I rested. spent the evening at Asahels until 8 oclock, had bath
and slept some before midnight.


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Woodruff, Asahel Hart, b. 1863
3 Feb 1863 - 2 Jul 1939
707 mentions
Beebe, Clara Martisha Woodruff
23 Jul 1868 - 29 Dec 1927
418 mentions


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Letter from Benjamin Denmark Jensen, 24 May 1897

President Wilfourd Woodruff Dear Bro I recived your letter & notice to fill a mission to the Northan states and can say in reply that i will ready at the appointed time Nov the 11 I remain your Brother in the gospell Benjamin D. Jensen J. A. Tolman Bp

Letter from Edwin Reuben Lindsay, 24 May 1897

Wilford Woodrouff Dear Brother your Letter was received 22 of this month and in answer to same I except the call and regard it as a great honer, and will be ready to leave Salt Lake City at said time stated in your letter Nov. 11 [18]97 your Brother in the Gospel Edwin R Lindsay I am quite willing to vouch for Bro Lindsay and Heartily Endorse his Response. A R Wright. Bp

Letter from Henry Somes Jackson, 24 May 1897

Parker, Ida. . Pres. Wilford Woodruff, Salt Lake City, Utah. Dear Bro: I am in receipt of your letter accepting my name as a missionary to labor in the Montana Mission. Believing it to be the word of God, I will be on hand to leave for my field of labor on your stated date. (June 15th) Trusting that I may have the spirit of God your faith and prayers, that I may be able to fill my mission honorably before God. Your Brother in the Gospel, Henry S. Jackson E Z Carbine Bp of Parker

Letter from John Alma Workman Jr., 24 May 1897

Utah Wilford Woodruff Dear Brother i received your letter last se evening am pleased to be counted worthy to go on amission i am willing to go will be on hand at the appointed time if nothigh happens to prevent your brother in the Gospil John A Workman We hartly endorse brother Workmans reply Peter Abplanalp Bishop By H. A. Woodruff 1st Councler

Letter from Lauritz Lauritzen, 24 May 1897

Glenwood Pres Wilford Wodruff Dear Bro— Your Letter of May 17th calling me to go on a Mission to Scandinavia have been received by me and duly considered, and in answer will say that while i feel my weekness in attempting to perform a Labor of that kind, I accept the call and trust that that the Lord will aid and assist me. If nothing unforeseen happens i will be ready to start on Oct 16 as desired

Letter from Lawrence William Sherner, 24 May 1897

Ogden Utah Pres't. Wilford Woodruff Dear Brother: I accept the appointment as a missionary to the Eastern States. I will try to be ready to go on the date named, and endeavor to do my duty to the best of my ability. Your Brother in the Gospel, L W Sherner (Lynne Ward No. 122 Second St., Ogden Utah Geo. Smuin B.P. Lynne Ward

Letter from Thomas Culley, 24 May 1897

Ogden, Utah, President Wilford Woodruff, Salt Lake City. Dear Brother. In answer to your's of the 21st inst. calling me to fill a mission to California; will say that I accept the call, and by the assistance of the Holy Spirit, I will endeavor to magnify that calling, I will also endeavor to be ready at the time appointed. Your brother in the Gospel. Thomas Culley Approved, and I heartely endorse Bro Culley as worthy to fill a mission E Stratford Bishop 4th ward

Letter from Darwin Rolla Harris, 24 May 1897

Rexburg To the First Presidence of the Church of Jesus Christ Dear Brothern Yours of May 18th to hand and will say that I am ready and willing to accept the call made upon me as a Missionary to Montana to leave there June 15th Your Brother in the gospel Rolla Harris Bpt. T. E. Ricks Rev H. J. Flamm 2nd Counsler

Letter from Leo Peck, 24 May 1897

Gentile Valley, May, 24th [18]97. Pres. Woodruff, Dear Bro: I received a notice Friday night, to be read to leave for the Northern States July 89th 1897. I am ready and willing to start on my mission at the date mentioned.

Letter from Amos Newlove Merrill, 24 May 1897

Logan, . Pres't Wilford Woodruff, Dear Brother: My father informed me to night that the matter of my going on a mission or to school was left with our- selves. After consulting with my parents about the matter, we have decided that the best thing to do is for me to go on my mission now. I am, therefore, ready to go any time that you may think best. Trusting this is in accord with your feeling also and hoping to hear from you soon, I remain, your brother in the Gospel, Amos N. Merrill. the above is what we have though best for son to do Sig M. W. Merrill I think it a good, wise conclusion. Let him be appointed at once, where most needed. J. F. S

Letter from George C. Peck, 24 May 1897

Gentile Valley President Wilford Woodruff Salt Lake City Utah Dear Brother You said you wished to know my feelings with regard to the call that I have just received. I can say that I feel honerd, and O how thankfull and pleased I am to know that God has counted me worthey to bare his mesage to the world, and I willingly except the call, though it would be more conveinent for


View selected events in the two months surrounding this date in Wilford Woodruff's life. Click on the dates to jump to that day in Wilford Woodruff's journal.

Publication of Conference Report begins (replaced by Ensign Conference issue starting in 1965).

May 24, 1897