Day in the Life

May 25, 1897

Journal Entry

May 25, 1897 ~ Tuesday

May 25th I slept fairly well, until 7 am. restless some of the time.
After breakfast I took a walk. At 11:30 Bro. Brigham Young called on me,
the first time he has been out. I was much pleased to see him out again,
he stayed about one hour. In the afternoon Bros B. Young & C. H. Wilcken

drove up and suggested a trip into City Creek Kanyon. I put off this
trip until tomorrow. I ate a few oysters with cracker & butter for my
supper and enjoyed them. after going to bed I slept comfortably till midnight.


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Young, Brigham (Jr.)
18 Dec 1836 - 11 Apr 1903
583 mentions


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Letter from Christian Theodor Nelson, 25 May 1897

Redmond . President Wilford Woodruff Salt Lake City Dear Brother: In answer to a call to fill a mission to Scandinavia, will say, I have considered my surcomstanses and feeld with the blesing of the Lord, I will be able to fill the call, and be at the Historians Office on the 16 of July 1897, the day apointed for me to be set apart, thanking you for the honor of being a Minister of the Everlasting Gospel. Your Brother in the Gospel Christian T. Nielsen H. Rasmussen Bp

Letter from Levi Oliverson, 25 May 1897

Franklin Ida. Prest. Wilford Woodruff Salt Lake City Dear Brother: I received your letter notifying me that I was called to take a mission to the Southern States to start Sept 16th I accept the call and will be ready to start at the requred time. I remain Your Brother in the Gospel of Christ Levi Oliverson L. L. Hatch Bp.

Letter from George Charles Scarborough, 25 May 1897

Franklin, . Mr Wilford Woodruff, Dear Sir I recieved your letter of the 19th calling me to go on a mission to preach the gospel, but I do not know enough of the gospel to go on a mission. And more than that I do not think I believe in any religion. So you will have to excuse me from going. Yours tTruely Charles Scarborough. See over.

Letter from Ernest Frederick Hale, 25 May 1897

President Woodruff, Dear Brother, My Counselor Brother James Larsen has a great desire to do some work in the Temple for his ansesters, and has no geneolagy, he has said many times he would like to go back to Denmark and see if he could get some names, he is about 50 years old but is stout and helthy, is able to go finantially, and is bright and well able to performedm a good mission, and perhaps get a great many names to work for to. He will be greatly missed

Letter from Oliver Sjostedt, 25 May 1897

President Wilford Woodroff Dear Brother Yours of May 10th has Yost been Recived an Content Care- fuly Noted and in Reply will say that I will be Ready to start on My Mission to Scandinavia on the given date, October 16th [18]97, as Per your Request Your Brother Oliver Sjostedt W D Robinson Bishop

Letter from C. B. Richards, 25 May 1897

San Diego, Cal. . To The President and Elders ^OF THE^ Church of Jesus Christ ^OF^ Latter Day Saints. Dear Friends: I have been much pleased with the Missionary work that has been done by the various Elders in San Diego. This city having the reputation of being the most superior seaside, summer and winter health and pleasure resort in the world, is visited annually by Invalids and pleasure seekers from nearly all parts of the civilized world, and the number of visitors increase each year. San Diego is increasing in population and wealth very fast and is expected to be a very large and important

Letter from Kerstin Olofsdotter Petersen, 25 May 1897

Mink Creek May 15 1897 Wifford Woodruff Dear Brother My Husband recieved your Letter, asking him about going on a mission, and i hope you will pardon me for taking the liberty to write this, as my husband is a very poor hand at writing and explaining his feeling. We have under- stood that it was a bishops duty to look into a mans cicrcumstances to see if it would be possible for him to leave home, this however our bishop must have omitted to do, or otherwise he has a very poor judgment. There is others here who have complained of this My Husband says he would


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Publication of Conference Report begins (replaced by Ensign Conference issue starting in 1965).

May 25, 1897