Day in the Life

Jun 2, 1897

Journal Entry

June 02, 1897 ~ Wednesday

June 2nd Slept better after midnight. I voided some 10 ozs of urine
before 7:30 a.m. Ate my breakfast at 830. Went to the office at 9:45
not much being done. Prest Geo. Q. Cannon returned from the
East this afternoon and came to the office. I was pleased to see him
he is feeling wiell in health. I have felt quite nervous all day. have
not found my missing money yet. Went home about 5 pm, at[e] my supper
at 7 p.m. and retired to bed early, and slept very well until midnight.
I attended a Directors meeting of Z. S B & T Co at 1 pm today, & presided


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Cannon, George Quayle
11 Jan 1827 - 12 Apr 1901
2257 mentions


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Letter from George Chauncy Spilsbury, 2 June 1897
Letter from John Enoch Groberg, 2 June 1897
Wilford Woodruff, Salt Lake City, Dear Brother: Your letters of the 29th ult at hand. I will try and arrange things so as to be in Salt Lake City by the stated time, as I am perfectly satisfied with my call and hope that I may be able to fulfill a good mission Your Brother in the Gosplel, John E. Groberg Bp. W. F. McEntire
Letter from Ariel Frederick Cardon, 2 June 1897
Pres. Wiflford Woodruff Dear Brother: Referring to your letter of April 29th I will accept the call and will report at the date mentioned Your bBrother in the Gospel, Ariel F. Cardon Indorsed by Prest Woodruff I can recomend Br Cardon as a good Latter day Saint and as worthy to go on his mission your Brother in the gospel Thos X Smith Bp


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Jun 2, 1897