Day in the Life

Jun 3, 1897

Journal Entry

June 03, 1897 ~ Thursday

June 3rd at 11 oclock pm ended the test for quantity of urine. found I
have passed an average of 2 1/2 oz. every hour or 3 lb 12 oz. in 24 hours.
I slept fairly well until 9:45 a.m. when I arose, had breakfast
and at 1045 drove direct to the Temple and attend my meeting there.
Afterwards went to the office attended to some business & went home
at 415, rested, called at Asahels, & walked around the place after
supper. Went to bed at 930 & slept well till midnight.


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Woodruff, Asahel Hart, b. 1863
3 Feb 1863 - 2 Jul 1939
707 mentions


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Letter from James Ingebretsen, 3 June 1897

Ogden, Utah, To Wilford Woodruff Salt Lake City Utah D[e]ar Bro. On June 2 through the Secretary of the Missionary Committee I received a letter assigning me a mission to the Eastern States requesting that I be prepared to leave by Nov 25 [18]97. An affirmative reply being entirely in accord with the views of my parents and as there are no reasonable obstacles appearing at present I am pleased to inform you that should no unforseen occurance during the interim intervene I will leave on the appointed date. It has been among the foremost desires of my life to assist in promulgating the doctrines of our faith. That I may be successful is my sincere hope. Should you desire to communicate with me further address. Yours Respectfully Jas Ingebretsen 360 18 st. Ogden B White Bp. 3rd ward.

Letter from James Stanley Dee, 3 June 1897

Ogden Wilford Woodruff. Dear Brother Yours of June 1st at hand. Calling me a mission to Great Britiaain for which I am pleased to inform you that I will report for duty on the day stated in the call July 31st 1897. Your Brothenr in the Gospel J Stanley Dee I have every reason to believe that Bro J Stanly Dee will make a good minister of the Gospel and take pleasure indorsing his answer Respectfully R McQuarrie Bishop 2nd Ward Ogden

Letter from Elias Smith Kimball, 3 June 1897

Prest's. Woodruff and Smith, Salt Lake City, Utah. Dear Brethren: In answering your esteemed favor of May 10th., referring to fasting and indulging in a spirit of rivalry among the Elders in breaking records, I beg you will pardon me for the seeming delay that has occurred. I was away from the office when your letter came, and since returning my health has been very poor, but is fast im- proving. I do not think I can say anything in answer to the question you refer to that will so fully explain matters as to inclose several circular letters I have written to the Elders of this mission at differ- ent times. I would respectfully and especially call your attention to circular letters, dated March 25th, 1896, and April 12th, 1897, marked with blue pencil. You will please notice the brethren are left to do as they may deem proper, no restraint being placed on them. I have never desired to make any iron rules by which to govern my brethren. That I have made many, very many mistakes, I am very frank to confess, and from what you say has come to your ears, I do not know but that I have made a grave mistake in saying so much about fasting as is contained in these letters. Instead of leading the mission in fasting, the different con- ferences have lead this office, as is intimated in circular letter of March 25th. As to fasting Sundays and Thursdays, I submitted this matter to the brethren laboring in the office, all of whom favored it and were

Letter from Orson Spencer Clawson, 3 June 1897

Salt Lake City Pres. George Q. Cannon, Salt Lake City, Utah. Dear Brother:— Referring to the subject of the Temple Block wall which has been agg^i^tating the minds of the sub-committee of the monument Association for some days, I desire to put myself before you in respect to my personal feelings only upon this subject even at the risk of encurring your displeasure, but it is to you alone and not with any wish to stand in opposition to any of your associates upon this subject. Since you went away a meeting was called at the office of Z.C.M.I. of the property owners in the vacinity of the Temple Block. A sub-committee consisting of Heber J. Grant, George M. Cannon, John C. Cutler, Frank Jennings, W. S. McCornick and myslf


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Jun 3, 1897