Day in the Life

Jun 14, 1897

Journal Entry

June 14, 1897 ~ Monday

June 14th. I slept better during the morning hours,
and arose at 815, ate my breakfast, and left for the office
at 9:40 Dr Snow called on me at the office and told me that I
should take a trip for 2 or 3 weeks onto the sea level as I needed some
change & to get away from the office duties for a season. I said I would
consider the matter. Afterwards spoke to Bro L. John Nuttall told him what the
Doctor had said & asked him if he could accompany me, say to Portland.
He said he could & would take good care of me if we went. I said we would
talk further about it. Attended to some business matters and left
at 350 pm. called at Clara's, on the way home. I walked out & rested
ate supper with the family, and retired to bed at 9 pm. & slept.


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Beebe, Clara Martisha Woodruff
23 Jul 1868 - 29 Dec 1927
418 mentions
Nuttall, Leonard John
6 Jul 1834 - 23 Feb 1905
Snow, Leslie Woodruff
6 Feb 1862 - 28 Nov 1935
181 mentions


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Letter from Celia Leonora Simmons Loveland Way, 14 June 1897

Coquille Oregon Prst Woodruff Rev Dear Sir I received a divorce from ^by order^ Prest Brigham Young ^about 1862^ from Chester Loveland. and afterwards married Wm G. Way who is now dead. I was the 3rd wife of Chester Loveland the first two were alive when I married Mr Loveland—I being a plural wife Mr Way was a soldier during the war of [18]61 to [18]65 and it is necessary that I show I had the right to marry Mr Way when I did—under the laws of the U. S. in order to secure my pension If there is a record of the divorce will you please send me a certified copy with your charges I am very respectfully yours Celia L Way

Letter from Christian Soren Sorensen, 14 June 1897

President Wilford Woodruff. Salt Lake City, Utah. Dear Brother: Your letter which designated me as a missionary to Scandinavia on July 31st, 1897. came duly to hand. Unless something unforeseen happens I shall be there on time. Your Brother in the Gospel. Christian Sorenson David McKay Bishop

Letter from Moses Cozzens Davis, 14 June 1897

Provo City, Utah, President Wilford Woodruff, Salt Lake City, Utah. Dear Brother: I cheerfully respond to go to Colorod on a mission during the Summer Your brother M. C. Davis. Endorsed: Jos. B Keeler Bp. 4th Ward Provo.

Letter from Myron E. Crandall, Jr., 14 June 1897

Springville, Utah, President's Office, Salt Lake City, Utah. Dear Brethern, Last saturday I received a communication from President Partridge inquiring as to the probability of my being able to go on a mission to the Northern States at present, which letter I have answered. Owing to the fact tha[t] neither my bBishop nor my quorum, the elder's, know any thing about my name being sent to your office. I write to ask by whom was my name given you. I donot do this with any spirit of malice nor distrust but merely wish to satisfy my own self who presented the name. I had expected that either my Bishop or my Quorum President would do this and as it is a little out of the ordinary I naturally would be concerned. If my inquiry is not improper nor my desire in this wrong, I shall be pleased to have my curiosity satisfied. Your brother in the gospel Myron E. Crandall Jr [sideways text] Just tell him the truth. he does not understand all our ways of getting names &c. J. F. S. [end of sideways text]


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Jun 14, 1897