Day in the Life

Jun 16, 1897

Journal Entry

June 16, 1897 ~ Wednesday

June 16th Spent a tolerable good night. Bro. H. C. Barrell has
acted somewhat curiously. The well borers & fence makers are
busy at their work & my man George was working alone digging post
holes & setting posts. I asked Bro Barrell to help him by holding the posts while
George filled & pounded around them. he did so, but commenced
finding fault & saying he was not hired to set posts &c & complained

of my wife & members of my family & I concluded I did not need his sirvices ^&^ so
told him, & said he could attend to his previous labors and I would get along.
I went to the office and attended to business, and returned in the afternoon.
The well drivers struck a ^good^ stream of water, but it tasted so strong of sulphur, I con-
cluded to have them drive further in hope of getting good water


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Woodruff, Emma Smith
1 Mar 1838 - 6 Mar 1912
1032 mentions
17 mentions


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Letter from William Clarence Wright, 16 June 1897

OGDEN, UTAH, , President Wilford Woodruff, Salt Lake City. Dear Brother: Replying to your letter of May 24, would say that I take pleasure in report- ing that I will be in readines to leave for on my mission to England July 31 as requested. Replying to the letter of Jun 7. would say that I have received my endownments. Your brother Wm C. Wright. [sideways text] I cheerfully endorse Bro W. C. Wright for this mission Bishop Thos J Stevens, 5th ward, Ogden [end of sideways text]

Letter from Thomas James Croshaw, 16 June 1897

Wilford Woodruff Dear Brother In regard to call for me to go on a mission to the suthern states on July 22nd I will accept it, and will try and be ready to leave on that YDay Your Brother in the gospel Thomas J Croshaw N. R. Lewis, Bp

Letter from Alonzo Pratt Kesler, 16 June 1897

Pres't. Wilford Woodruff, Box B, Salt Lake City, Utah. Dear Brother: Enclosed please find financial report of the Eastern States Mission, which is the first three month of my jurisdiction here. I understand that you are desirous of having me report quarterly, our financial condition, and annually the Statistical, which I will continue to do. As you are aware, our mission is yet in its infancey. I have been kept quite bussy engaged since my arriva^l^ here, visiting the various fields where the Elders are, and organizing them into Conferences, and Branches, and I am pleased to report that things here are assuming a prosperous condition. Our Elders are mostly all traveling without money, and they report to me hospitable treatment in nearly all instances. A few are being baptized in all parts of the mission. In Philadelphia we have Nine Elders who are working very zealoulsly, in tracting the City, and holding meetings; they rent a house and board themselves. I have four Elders here with me who are w[or]king in Brooklyn and New York: we hold meetings here at 50 Concord St., Sunday aftenrnoon's and a Bible class every Thursday evening. Ever praying for the mutual welfare of "zion" and with love for you and your co-workers, I remain, Your brother, A. P. Kesler

Letter from Thomas Edwin Ricks, 16 June 1897

President W. Woodruff Box B Salt Lake City Utah Dear Brother, Our stake Conference was held Sunday and Monday June 13 & 14 at Wilfed. We had a good attendance of the people and had with us Brother Douglas M. Todd who gave us much valuable instruction. The health of our people is good and in every respect we have great reason to thank the Lord for his blessings to us. We accompany Brother Todd to the Montana Mission Conference to be held at Anaconda Saturday & Sunday With kind regards I am Your Brother in the Gospel T. E. Ricks

Letter from Thomas Edwin Ricks, 16 June 1897

Rexburg, Idaho, President W. Woodruff Box B Salt Lake City Utah Dear Brother, Our stake conference was held Sunday and Monday June 13 & 14 at Wilford. We had a good attendance of the people and had with us Brother Douglas M. Todd who gave us much valuable instruction. The health of our people is good and in every respect we have great reason to thank the Lord for his blessings to us. We accompany Brother Todd to the Montana Mission Conference to be held at Anaconda Saturday & Sunday with kind regards. I am Your Brother in the Gospel T. E. Ricks


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Jun 16, 1897