Day in the Life

Jun 18, 1897

Journal Entry

June 18, 1897 ~ Friday

June 18th Spent a good night, feel better this morning. At the office I
attended a meeting of the Directors of Z.C.M.I. and this afternoon a
meeting of the Ogden Pioneer Power Company—Looked after the well
borers & others working on my place, they seem to be doing their best.


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Letter from Zina Presendia Young Williams Card, 18 June 1897
Cardston. . To the First Presidency of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints My Dear Brethren Shortly after my arrival here, your letter of appointment as my mothers Secretary and Aid to herself and council, was placed in the hands of my husband. He did not answer at once, but duly considered the matter, and after a few days placed in my hands the enclosed letter, I send it to you, as it more fully explains our position here than I could possibly do I understand him perfectly, and know his noble nature and unselfish heart will bear this triel as blravely as he did, the ordeal of ganing his liberty, through the blessings of the Lord, and at great expense, through the courts, with the full expectation of being released from his mission here to return to his family and former position in Cach Stake. With out a murmer he came back, and has done all in his power build up the cause of truth by


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Jun 18, 1897