Day in the Life

Jun 19, 1897

Journal Entry

June 19, 1897 ~ Saturday

June 19th I staid at home to day walked out, ^and^ rested as I deemed
for the best.

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Letter from Walter Mathias Johns, 19 June 1897
President Wilford Woodruff. Dear Brother: I receiieved my call to take a mission to the Northern States ^starting^ on the 23rd of September 1897 and as far as I know at presant I will be ready to start at at the time appointed. Your Brother in the Gospil, Walter M Johns E. W. Wade. Bp Pleasant View.
Letter from John H. Naisbitt, 19 June 1897
Hooper Pres. Wilford Woodruff. Dear Brother: I received my missionary call in due time, but whenever I have set a time to answer, cir- cumstances have seemed to combine against me & I would not be able to do so — or so I imagined. In regards to my call I would say I am well satisfied with the time & place—at least as much so perhaps as I would ever be — & if you think me worthy to go & carry the Gosepell to those who are ignorant of it & represent the Church
Letter from Carl Christian Garff, 19 June 1897
Ogden. . President Wilford Woodruff, Salt Lake Ut. Dear Brother—I write you in reply to your letter of May 27th [18]97 to say, that I accept the call made of me, to take a mission to Scan- dinavia, on September 18th [18]97, for the purpose of preach- ing the Gospel of Jesus Christ, as the Spirit of God may direct me. I will report at the His- torian's Office, the day prev- ious to the time appointed for my departure, as requested in your letter. Hoping I shall be able


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Jun 19, 1897