Day in the Life

Jun 22, 1897

Journal Entry

June 22, 1897 ~ Tuesday

June 22nd I am not feeling well this morning, have a severe
cold. This is Old Folks day at Salt Lake. as I do not feel able to speak

to be heard in the Tabernacle, I prepared a few thoughts and had
them written to be read at their meeting this evening at the Tabernacle,
as I am expected to be present and speak. I attended the Old Folks
meetingconcert this evening Bro David McKenzie read my speech, and I
spoke a few words at the close.

-Anniversary of Bp. Hunter's
Birthday Old Folks day at Saltair, Con-
cert in the Tabernacle in the even-
ing, for which Prest. Woodruff wrote
a speech which was read by Bro.
David Mc'Kenzie. Prest W. spoke
a few words at the close.


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Discourse 1897-06-22
their entertainment in the Tabernacle, on . President Wilford Woodruff, one of the few who has passed the ninetieth milestone of life, was on the program for an address, but being the sufferer from a bad cold, his address was a prepared one which was read by Elder David McKenzie. It was as follows: "My Dear Friends—I thank God that I have lived to see this day. I rejoice to behold the faces of so many of my friends gathered together in this great Tabernacle. We who have been upon this earth from seventy


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Jun 22, 1897