Day in the Life

Jun 21, 1897

Journal Entry

June 21, 1897 ~ Monday

June 21st Had a fairly good night. I got out my monthly allowance
for my wives & families while at the office.


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Letter from Andrew Brigham Jensen, 21 June 1897

Eden Wilford Woodruff Dear Brother Yours of May 26th at hand. Pardon me for not answering before, but I wished to complete my arrangements so that I would be able to give you a decisive answer. I will say that by the help of the Lord that is if he will bless me whi with health & strength which I think he will for he has nearly always done so. I will be on hand on the day alloted me. You wished to learn my feelings with regards to this call. will say, It is my duty to obey the athority

Letter from Garn Clark, 21 June 1897

Panguitch President Wilford Woodruff Dear Brother: I feel well in regard to my call to the Northern States. I accept the call and will be ready to leave Salt Lake City at the date named, July 29, 97 Your Brother in the Gospel, Garn Clark Allen Miller Bishop By Alfred H Riding 1st Counc^lor^

Letter from John Phillips, 21 June 1897

To President Wilford Woodruff Dear Brother In answer to yours of the 14th of June, will say, that, I am preparing, and will be in Salt Lake on the day appointed in your letter to go on a mission to the Northern States. Your Brother in the Gospel John Phillips. I can cheerfully endorse John Phillips as a worthy Brother to fill a mission to the world Your Bro Henry Ballard Bishop

Letter from Samuel Whitney Richards, 21 June 1897

Salt Lake City, Utah, . Prest W. Woodruff: and Council: Dear Bretheren: It is now some six weeks and, more since I called at your office to learn if I could receive some compensation for my time if spent in the Temple as I had been requested to by Prest L. Snow. I received no direct answer to my inquiry then, nor have I since, though I have spent my time there as desired by Bro. Snow. Since the Temple opened for work, I have been on Mission work there and abroad without compensation, but at considerable expense paid by myself. Your early answer to my inquiry will greatly oblige, as I do not feel able to continue the donation of my time and labor longer to the work. Very Truly—Your's, S. W. Richards.

Letter from Charles Ora Card, 21 June 1897

Prest. Wilford Woodruff Salt Lake City Utah U.S.A. Dear Brother I have been investigating the matter in relation to tithes being held for our tithing & meeting house properties in this stake & confered with a prominent Lawyer at Lethbridge when advised the incorporating of our Church here after the same manner that the Catholic Church, Church of England & other denominations do here, which is by special act of the North West Council. I have perused these Acts and think with the Lawyer can be fashioned to meet our purpose If it meets your approval I will have a Bill framed & send it to you with Laws &c for your criticism or that of Church Attys as you may deem proper but first submit the question to you. A Special Act of Incorporation will give us the liberty of holding all the property desired in Alberta.


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Jun 21, 1897