Day in the Life

Jun 30, 1897

Journal Entry

June 30, 1897 ~ Wednesday

June 30th I slept fairly well the latter part of the night & this morning.
felt better of myself. arose, shaved & dressed myself and went to the

office. attended a special meeting of the Board of Directors of Z. S. B & T co. at 1030
a.m. declared a dividend of 6% for the past six months. This afternoon at the
Temple I performed the marriage ceremony uniting Miss Helen Winder to my son
A. O. Woodruff, and then drove home. There was a family gathering at the residence
of Br Heber J Grant this evening. I did not attend.

- Prest Woodruff sealed
to his son Abraham Owen Miss Helen
. Sister to Mrs Augusta Grant
In the evening Bro. Grant gave them
a reception at his home but Prest.
Woodruff was unable to attend.


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Woodruff, Abraham Owen
23 Nov 1872 - 20 Jul 1904
633 mentions
Apostle, Family, Missionary
Grant, Heber Jeddy
22 Nov 1856 - 14 May 1945
274 mentions


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Letter from Thomas H. Chambers, 30 June 1897

Smithfield Utah . First Presidency Salt Lake city. Dear Brother, In answer to your letter of June second. I have been at school until about a week ago, my parents exspecting me home all the time, did not send me the letter. I am willing to take a mission will be ready in a month or two not knowing just when I can leave, I have been attending college the past three years and having to borrow many to continue as long as I have, and I am In debt at present.

Letter from John Whittaker Taylor, 30 June 1897

Pres. Wilford Woodruff, Salt Lake City, Utah. Dear Brother: Having changed my address you will please forward all mail to me as above. We have a baptism at Overland tomorrow, and I am happy to report that we have nine applications for the same, and a number of promising prospects. We have baptized 43 person during the past six months. Elder W. C. Clive met with quite a serious bicycle accident about four weeks ago, which has di[s]abled him for about a month forom performing any missionary labor, but is now al- most well again and will go into the missionary field next week. The reports from all the ELders are to the effect that they are holding meetings, and that they are treated kindly by the peopie. We are making a special effort to sell our church works as we find that the people will read a book that they pay for, whereas if it is given to them they are liable to lay it aside and not read it.

Letter from Thomas Edwin Ricks, 30 June 1897

Prest. W. Woodruff Salt Lake City Utah Dear Brother, At a meeting of the High Council held June 2 Fred T. Morgan was selected to be recommended to you for Bishop of Pratt ward, whose name, we now send you for approval. Your Brother in the Gospel T. E. Ricks

Letter from John B. Fairbanks, 30 June 1897

Provo President Woodruff Salt Lake City Dear Bro, Enclosed you will find the manuscript of a circular letter which I think fully explains its self. Also a circular letter to members of the Fairbanks family, My object in sending them to you is to ask the advisabilite of my going East ^for the purpose stated^ provided I can get means enough and should I go, if I might not do some missionary work in the Fairbanks family you will see it is very extensive. (over)

Letter from Warren Marshall Johnson, 30 June 1897

Kanab Utah President W Woodruff Dear Brother I expect to start for Salt Lake City this afternoon, and shall probably be seven or eight days on the road. I shall take the cars at Elsinore and will write again and let you know what day I will arrive at Salt Lake City. My wife will accompany me and we will have our own beds with us. My lower limbs are still paralysed, not being able to use them at all Yours in the Gospel Warren M Johnson

Letter from Alfred Lundberg Farrell, 30 June 1897

Logan, Utah, . President Wilford Woodruff, Salt Lake City, Utah. Dear Brother:— Your favor of the 23rd, ult., stating my name, in connection with others, had been suggested and accepted as a Missionary to the Netherlands, and asking me to report concerning my feelings regarding the call, as also, if I accept- ed, to make arrangements to start from your City at as early a date as August 14th, 1897, is received. Replying to your inquiry I will say, nothing hindering, I AM WILLING AND WILL GO, and by the help of God will do all that is consistant with my ability to build up the Kingdom of our Eternal Father and bring lovers of truth and righteous- ness and those seeking the favor of the Lord to his fold. August the 14th being the day set for me to start from Salt Lake City, I will make it a point to be there the day before (Aug. 13th). Hoping this arrangement will meet with your approval, I remain, Your brother, A. L. Farrell Prest. W. Woodruff, Dear Brother I can recomend Brother Farrell as worthy to go on this Mission and hope he will fill a mission with Houner to himself, and the cause of Christ with kind regards your Brother in the Gospel Thomas X Smith Bp of the fourth ward of Logan City


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Jun 30, 1897