Day in the Life

Jun 29, 1897

Journal Entry

June 29, 1897 ~ Tuesday

June 29th I feel quite unwell today in my stomach & bowels &
also with my water, so that I have not left my room. I sent for
Elder L John Nuttall this evening and requested him to stay with me
as I am so sick. He did so.


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Nuttall, Leonard John
6 Jul 1834 - 23 Feb 1905

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Letter from Heber James Wilson, 29 June 1897
Teasdale . Pres. Wilford Woodruff Dear Brother Pres. Willis Robinson Informed me that you wanted me to be there to start on my mission by the twenty seventh of July. I am ready to go then. I fill ancious to get off since I have been call. If this is when you want me please let me know at your earilest convenience I Remain Your's Resp. Heber J. Wilson.
Letter from Scott F. Hershey, 29 June 1897
My Dear Sir I am on a special mission, gathering opinions from repre- sentative people on conditions of prosperity, or expectations of it; or causes in the way. I will be in your city about July 18th or 20th, and hope to see you. Whilst in your city nothing would give for me more pleasure then to give in your Great Tabernacle my lecture on "Infidelity a Failure," which I have given in almost every state, and which I believe you would wholly opprove and your enjoy, my price is usually $50; but I want nothing from your people, as it would (over)
Letter from William Paxman, 29 June 1897
Nephi City, Utah, Prest Wilford Woodruff and Counselors, Salt Lake City, My Dear Brethren, The time for our next quarterly conference is the Saturday and Sunday the 17 and 18 of July. Quite a number desire to attend the Young peopels conference in the City on the same dates. Would it be asking too much, to have our conference posponed untill Sunday and Monday the 25 and 26th of July? Feeling that it would accomadate the greatest number. Yet, we are entirely subject to your every wish. Trusting that this is not out of place, to ask for this change. And with kind love, and ever praying for your welfare, I am your Brother in Christ, William Paxman


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Jun 29, 1897