Day in the Life

Jul 4, 1897

Journal Entry

July 04, 1897 ~ Sunday

Sunday July 4th I spent dathis day at home, drove out this afternoon
for over an hour

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Letter from Brigham Lewis Tippets Sr., 4 July 1897
Bennington Pres Wilford Woodruff Dear Brother I will accept the call made of me for a Mission to the Eastern States and will do my best to be ready to leave on the date named Jan the 13 1898 I remain your Brother in the Gospel of Crist Brigham L Tippets A R Wright. Bp
Letter from William Henry Corry, 4 July 1897
Letter from Nathaniel Porritt, 4 July 1897
Clifton President Woodruff Dear Brother I recd a notifycation from you dated May 19th that my name had been accepted as a missionary to the Southern States. Will say in reply that my circumstances were such at that time that I hardly knew what answer to make but since that time, through the favor of the Lord, I have been able to shape my affairs so that it will be possible for me to go and will be ready to start on the 16th of September as desired. Your Brother Nathaniel Porritt. Erastus G Farmer, Bp.


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Jul 4, 1897