Day in the Life

Jul 5, 1897

Journal Entry

July 05, 1897 ~ Monday

July 5th This day is observed as a general holiday. I drove to the office. I
dictated a letter to Bro Nuttall for Madam Mountford. I am feeling rather
feeble. Elder Nuttall came & staid with me till night.


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Nuttall, Leonard John
6 Jul 1834 - 23 Feb 1905
414 mentions


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Letter from Joseph W. Parker, 5 July 1897
Returned Missionary, J. W. Parker Southern States Mission, Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. headquarters, P. O. Box 103, Chattanooga, Tenn. South Carolina Conference. Conference Address, Box 71, Ridgeway, S. C. THE TEMPLE, SALT LAKE CITY. Joseph Sevier S. C.,Co, Utah July 5, 1897. Pres. Wilford Woodruf Salt Lake City, Utah. Dear Bro: Having returned from a mission to the Southern States without the privilege of meeting with or visiting any of the Apostles I thought I would write you a few lines that you might know of the safe arivel of My myself and Elder J. S. Cram of Kanab. It was my desire to report to you in person but because of the illness of Elder Cram I was instructed by Prest Elias S. Kimball & Prest. S. P. Oldham of the S.C. Conference to see to his safe arival at Bel- nap station on the Riogrand Western


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Jul 5, 1897