Day in the Life

Jul 8, 1897

Journal Entry

July 08, 1897 ~ Thursday

July 8th I spent a fairly good night slept most of the time after 11 pm to
5 am. Bros Smith & Nuttall take my water with a catheter as it is necessary
to use that instrument. at home all day.


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Nuttall, Leonard John
6 Jul 1834 - 23 Feb 1905

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Letter from Charles Gilbert Parker, 8 July 1897

Hooper Pres. Wilford Woodruff Dear Brother I am sorry that I could not Write befour but it seams that I have been so very busy that I thought I never had time to answer befour, but I can say that I am in regards to my call I am well pleased with the time & place, and I am proud to think that I am thought worthy to th take a mission and help to spread the everlasting Gospel. iIf nothing serious happen's I will be at the Historian's Office on the day appointed

Letter from Franklin Dewey Richards, 8 July 1897

Salt Lake City, . To The First Presidency. Dear Brethren: The Mss [manuscripts] sent to the Historian's Office prepared by Elder E. H. Nye, President of the California Mission, has been carefully examined. While it contains many good points on the first principles of the Gospel, it appears to be too voluminous for popular use as a tract. If the various subjects it treats of were presented under the separate headings it contains, it would perhaps be better adapted for circu- lation, but even in that case the matter would have to be re-written. As there are now in print many tracts treating on the subjects con- tained in the MSS, the necessity for publishing it does not appear imperative. In any event careful revision and much labor would be required before it would be suitable for publication. All of which is respectfully submitted. Your brother in the Gospel, F. D. Richards.

Letter from Nathaniel Haws Tanner, 8 July 1897

Payson, . Pres. Wilford Woodruff, Salt Lake City. Dear Brother— I heartily accept the call to take a mission to the Southern States and will be ready to leave Aug. 19 [18]97; and will try and conform to all require- ments made of me. I consider the call an honor and will do all I can to magnify the calling by precept and example. Your Bro. in the Gospel, N. H. Tanner Attest J. S. Page Jr Bishop

Letter from Hyrum Arthur Green, 8 July 1897

Garden City First Presidency of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints Dear Bro's Your letter of inquiry of June 25th to hand in due time & contents noted. I regret that my circumstances are so that I cant inform you I am ready now. My buisiness is in a very peculiar shape at present the facts are these. I am homesteading a 1/4 section of land on which I can make final proof the last of Nov next. I am also deserting acr40 acres of land the final proof on which cant be made for over two years to come.


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Jul 8, 1897