Day in the Life

Jul 7, 1897

Journal Entry

July 07, 1897 ~ Wednesday

July 7th Elder Nuttall came early & staid till 1050 a.m. Recd my allowance
for my meeting of Z S B & T Co, as I could not attend. Elder Nuttall came
down this evening and staid with me all night.


Browse people Wilford Woodruff mentioned on this day in his journal.

Nuttall, Leonard John
6 Jul 1834 - 23 Feb 1905
414 mentions

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Letter from Philemon Aaron Rogers, 7 July 1897

Lewiston Utah, President Wilford Woodruff Dear Brother I will except the call to Southern States. I am willing to go and do the best that I can I will be prepared to leave on the date appointed August 19th 1897. Your Brother Philemon Rogers W. H Lewis Bp

Letter from Charles Johann Frederick Carlsen, 7 July 1897

Ovid Dear Brother I take pleasure in answering your Letter of Inquirey which I recieved a few days ago, asking me if it would be agreeable to my feeling, and consistent with my circumstances to Be called to take A Mission to Preach the Gospel? also what would be the earliest date I could leave. dear Brother I am perfectly willing to take a Mission to preach the Gospel I feel that it is My duty to

Letter from Harry Margetts Rich, 7 July 1897

Paris Idaho President Wilford Woodruff, Salt Lake City. Dear Brother: In answer to the call for me to fill a mission to the Eastern States, to preach the Gospel, will state that I consider it an honor, and will use every effort to be ready to start on the date mentioned, to wit; October 16th 1897. I am desirous to fill my mission honourably, and trust with the assistance of the Holy Spirit that I will be able to do so. Your Brother in the Gospel, Harry M. Rich. Wm West Bp

Letter from Robert McClellan Hull, 7 July 1897

Whitney . Wilford Woodruff Salt Lake City Ut Dear President In answer to yours of 1st. will say. If nothing serious prevents me. I will be on hand at the time appointed for me to leave. Yours R. M. Hull Geo. Benson Bishop Good response. [Joseph Fielding Smith|J. F. S.]]

Letter from John M. Calderwood, 7 July 1897

Pres. Wilford Woodruff, My dear President: The call made of me to go to the Eastern States, as a mission- ary in the Gospel of peace, is ac- cepted with pride. I shall be ready to leave Salt Lake City at the date men- tioned: Thanking you for the information recieved. I remain Your brother in the Gospel, John Calderwood OK F. H Wright Bishop

Letter from William James Wale, 7 July 1897

Baker City President Wilford Woodruff Dear Bro Your letter of July the first to hand and its contents carefully noted and I would say that I accept the call made upon me at the time named in your letter namely March 1898, hopeing this is satisfactory I remain your Bro in the Gospel of peace Wm. J. Wale. I can fully indorse Bro. Wm J. Wale as qualified in all respects for the missionary field and worthy. H E Baker Presdt. Branch Baker City

Letter from Lewis Warren Shurtliff and Louis Frederick Moench, 7 July 1897

Ogden, . President Wilford Woodruff & Members of Church Board of Education. Dear Brethren: In a communication to you dated Apr. the 10th, we kindly petitioned your honorable body for a College Charter setting forth many strong reasons why we felt that Ogden with her large population and peculiar surroundings should be granted such a privilege. We have since then learned verbally that under present existing circumstances you could not grant us this privilege, but that you would upon proper application increase our present powers by granting us a high school charter. We, threfore, hereby respectully ask you to grant us such a charter earnestly hoping that at no

Letter from Helen A. Saunders, 7 July 1897

San Antonio, Tex. 220 San Pedro, ave. July 7th [18]97. To President Wilford Woodruff. You will pardon the intrusion of this note, but I have been thinking some- time of writing you regard- ing, two large oil Paintings which I am quite anxious to sell, & now will explain myself. I have heard that your Temple (the finest building in the United States) contains the most beauti- ful pictures, which fine taste & money could


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Jul 7, 1897