Day in the Life

Jul 12, 1897

Journal Entry

July 12, 1897 ~ Monday

July 12th I spent a good night & felt better this morning. This afternoon
I suffered much pain from my water, but got relief received a letter from and felt better
Madam Mountford Elder Nuttall staid with me all night.


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Nuttall, Leonard John
6 Jul 1834 - 23 Feb 1905
414 mentions

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Letter from Arthur Minson, 12 July 1897

President Wilford Woodruff Dear Brother I accept the appointment to labor as a missionary in the Eastern States. And will try to magnify my calling to the best of my ability with the help of the Lord your Brother in the Gospel Arthur Minson. Robt Price. Bishop. Paris 2nd Ward.

Letter from Francis Marion Stephenson Jr., 12 July 1897

Lewiston President Wilford Woodruff Salt Lake City Dear Brother: I am in receipt of your communication of June 30th, and will say in reply that although I feel that I am not, in and of my- self, capable of undertaking so im- portant a work I feel that if it is in accordance with the will of our Creator I am willing to devote my time and, what talent I am in possess- ion of, to that work. I will try and be prepared to leave Salt Lake City on Sept. 16, as desired. Your Brother in the Gospel Francis. M. Stephenson Jr. W. H. Lewis Bp

Letter from John Elva Everton, 12 July 1897

Logan, Pres. Wilford Woodruff, Your letter of July 6th received. It is agreeable with my feelings to leave for athe mission on the date set. Aug. 19th, 1897. Hopeing this will be satifsfactory I remain Your Brother J. E. Everton. Prest Woodruff Dear Brother I can recomend Brother Everton as being a good Latter day saint and as such I belive he will be a good missionary and I hope the spirit of the Lord will be with him with kind regards your Brother in the gospel Thomas X. Smith Bp of the Logan fourth ward

Letter from James Jensen Jr., 12 July 1897

Grover President Wilford Woodruff Dear Brother Your comunication of June 26 calling me on a mission to Scandinavia has been received By the help of the Lord I will try and be there at the apointed Nov. 12. Your Brother in the Gospel James Jensen Jr. James Jensen Bp

Letter from Dwight Clinton Woodruff, 12 July 1897

Fitchburg, Mass., Mr. Wilford Woodruff Salt Lake City. Utah Dear Sir and Uncle I was reading a sketch of your life to day which interested me very much about your journey west and the hard ships you went through all for the cause you was working for and I admire your courage of standing up for

Letter from William Jolly Fife, 12 July 1897

President Wilford Woodruff Dear Brother In answer to yours of June 30 for me to take a mission to the Southern States and to leave Salt Lake City Nov 18th will say I will be ready at that time by the help of the Lord your Brother in the gospel William J Fife John Jardine Bp

Letter from Franklin Truman Holt, 12 July 1897

Gunlock . The First Presidency P.O. Box B., Salt Lake City. Dear Brethren: Yours of the 9th inst. ywas receveived today. In reply to your questions I will say that I am willing to take a mission to the Southern States, and my circumstances will permit it, at the present time. I am going to Salt Lake City for to attend the Pioneer Jubilee and will report at your office on July 25th, for furthuer instuctions. Hoping these few lines will meet your approval, I remain Your Brother Franklin T. Holt. Thos Alston


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Jul 12, 1897