Day in the Life

Jul 13, 1897

Journal Entry

July 13, 1897 ~ Tuesday

July 13th I had a fairly good night and slept considerable of the time
I had an attack of looseness in my bowels this morning but got relief &
went to the office. I recd a letter from M. Mountford through Bro Nuttall, staid
at home all day. Bro Nuttall staid with me tonight and I dictated an answer
to the Madams letter.


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Nuttall, Leonard John
6 Jul 1834 - 23 Feb 1905
414 mentions


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Letter from Adolph Frederick Elggren, 13 July 1897

President Wilford Woodruff, Salt Lake City, Utah. Dear Brother: I am in receipt of your letter of the 7th instant, and note therein your acceptance of me as a missionary to Scandi- navia, also your request that I be prepared to leave for the destination assigned on November 20th next. It is a pleasure for me to accept the call, and I shall make every effort to be prepared to make my departure at the time specified. Trusting that the Lord will aid me in my earnest resolve, I am, Your Brother in the Gospel, Adolph Freadreck Elggren W W Child Bishop

Letter from Arthur Candland, 13 July 1897

Mt. Pleasant . President Wilford Woodruff, Salt Lake City, Utah. Dear Brother: I am just in receipt of your favor of the 8th inst. and carefully note its contents. In reply, will say that I will be ready and on hand on the date mentioned, Oct. 20, 1897. I am not as well prepared intellectually and financially as I should like to be. But I will go trusting in God for all things. Your Brother in the Gospel, Arthur Candland. Peter Matson Acting Bishop

Letter from Joseph Heber Larson, 13 July 1897

Mayfield, . Pres. Wilford Woodruff. Salt Lake City; Dear Brother: Some time ago I received a letter of inquiry from the Missionary Com- mittee of the Apostles, if I would take a mission to the Southern States. Contending influences have caused my delay in replying. I had hoped to continue attending the Academy as fast as circumstances would permit, for a number of years yet, and it seemed hard to give up the desire; however I am willing to and can be in cir- cumstances to take the mission in a year. Your Brother, Heber Larson

Letter from W. W. Wild, 13 July 1897

Wilford Woodruff, President of the General Church Board of Education. Dear Brother, The Board of Education of the St Joseph Stake met yesterday and instructed me to write to you and apply for an appropriation of $500 to help pay the expenses of our church school this coming school year. Bro Maeser is aquainted with our needs and our condition, and will give you any information you wish in that line. Hoping you will give this your attention and let us know as soon as convenient I remain your bro in the Gospel W. W. Wild, Sec. St Joseph Stake Academy


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Jul 13, 1897