Day in the Life

Jul 17, 1897

Journal Entry

July 17, 1897 ~ Saturday

July 17th I spent a fairly good night. Felt that I should go to the office, but
the brethren thought I had better not; but to save my strength. Rode out an hour
this afternoon.


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Letter from Andrew Jensen, 17 July 1897
Shelley, Idaho, Office of The First Presedency of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints; Dear Brothrn; Your letter of the 9th Inst, at hand. Will say in regard to me going to Preach the Gospel, as fore as my Feelings are concerned, I arem more than willing to go. But my present Circumstances are not very favorable. That is, if I should be called in a Short time. The time that would suit me best, would be a year from next Spring. Then I would have some-time to prepare in. I can speake the Danish Language a little, not anything to speak of. Hopeing this will be a Satisfactorilly answer. From your Brother in the Gospel, Andrew Jensen See over


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Jul 17, 1897